AC-MIX-067: THEN AND NOW 1! feat. Khaleesi

NEW series! This release marks a start of new series, featuring Catz “Then and Now”! These will be double feature releases (typically their very first & very latest matches) in one single package release.
Played back to back, it will be interesting to see how far (or little) some Catz have progressed, how talented (or not) they were right from the very beginning, and how their bodies and styles have developed. Tune in to find out!
This double release features KHALEESI, who started to wrestle in 2016. First match in this release is her very first match ever. The second match in this release is her late 2019 match. Watch and compare how she does in each against the same opponent.
See her overall mat confidence grow so much, her body to grow stronger, and the smoothness and flow of her wrestling style increased to another level. Smooth, leopard-like movements characterise this sultry Cat now, and she has become one of session fans’ favourite.
Her subtle womanly sex-appeal on the mats is undeniable, as she gives that sexy look once her legs finish wrapping you up in her pins, scissors, and triangles. Despite her slim figure, her legs are well trained and painful as hell when she squeezes ‘em tightly around your neck!
2 matches in this release, both semicomp to light comp style, played one after another, both featuring sexy and talented Khaleesi in 3 years apart!
HD | 1080p | 29min | MP4