Veneris came back, by a very popular demand, this time taking on AJ. For this match, she challenged herself to only headscissors submissions and school girl pins with count to 10 (note: she "forgot" once and scored a quick bodyscissors tapout as well). Overall, she triumphantly managed to score over a dozen tapouts out of her very much overwhelmed opponent, while barely breaking a sweat. See, Veneris is so fit and powerful, she only needs to switch to overdrive when in trouble, while her opponents wear themselves out just trying to put her in any hold, let alone keep her there. She simply ups the ante in her efforts to overpower any resistance, and forces her way out to trap you instead.
She shows off her imposing guns several times throughout the match, double flexing proudly after achieving tapouts, and her chiseled yet feminine body is such a sight to behold. Alkaia films and cheers Veneris on more than one occasion as she cannot contain excitement of witnessing her fellow amazon girl beating up a male against his will. Slow-motion montage of all victory poses of the match are included at the end. Veneris fans will enjoy!
HD | 720p | 14min | MP4