Veneris is an amazing athlete with highest level of overall fitness imaginable. She heavily competes in multiple demanding sports and is a lot stronger and more fit than your average guy. Whatever she may currently lack in wrestling experience, she more than makes up by being on a whole another physical level from a guy like Bruno. Wrestling her almost seems fake, as she is capable of reversing your position in an instant and will make you tap out by barely squeezing maybe 20-30%. Bruno is very scared of her and is cautious to tap out before injury occurs, as this is an amazon capable of crushing you into a pulp with minimal effort. Mind you, Veneris is not a masculine bodybuilder however, she very much keeps her femininity.
The video starts with quick muscle comparison, where one simple glance at their bodies shows how much her superfit muscles just outclass his. To prove her physical superiority over him right off the bat, they start by armwrestling and Veneris just laughs at his efforts to beat her before plunking his hand down like he's a child.
This competitive mixed wrestling match has rules of scoring points via schoolgirl pin with count to 10 and bodyscissoring / headscissoring submissions. Veneris wins points by applying all of those. And even though this was her 3rd match in a row shot on this hot summer day, she never slows down or asks for a break. To her, beating a male is no big deal, as she outlifts 'em in the gym everyday. She's just a machine with relentless stamina. She even giggles often during the match, as if in awe of herself at how decisively she is able to make a guy submit so easily. Seeing her charging Bruno to get on top of him, you wonder what it would take to stop her from doing whatever she wants with you. After forcing last submission out of him, she finishes the match by performing hot double flexing victory pose while straddling her beaten opponent, her sweaty pronounced abdomen muscles glistening in the afternoon sun.
HD | 720p | 12min | MP4