
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 144 lbs
Biceps: 12”
Thighs: 25”
Hips: 42”
Helenia SAID:
I stay in shape with dancing and poledancing. Dancing has really built up my hips and legs, and poledance training gives me great overall strength and flexibility that comes so handy during wrestling. I've already learned that I can be a very good pinner, and I am naturally very feisty whenever competing in anything, against boys or girls.
Siberia brought us her friend, Helenia, and we instantly saw the potential. Big hips and great curves, thick but in a very sexy way.. Helenia is all woman and has strength and femininity in just the right ratio. She is also very smart and picked up all the wrestling basics very quickly to even challenge Siberia on her 1st day with us!