ACB-FEM-071: TALENT MEETS SKILLS! feat. Antiope vs Daenerys

ANTIOPE vs DAENERYS in one exhilarating bout of competitive female wrestling. Two fiery lightweight athletes in relentless pursuit of power, speed and domination. Fast-paced and highly competitive match.
Daenerys displays great natural talent, as this was only just her debut day in wrestling and only her second match ever. She only wrestled Lara immediately prior to this bout (check out ACB-FEM-030), and you can see how fast she's picked up how to move and go about it. In this match, it becomes clear and obvious, she's a born fighter!
Antiope of course has had many more matches and training, and she is equally as strong and fit as the newcomer, so she has big advantage in skills. She certainly wasn't expecting an opponent who's brand new to wrestling to be this quick and competent, though.
Rounds starts fast. With both girls so fit and strong, transitions and who's on top and who's on the bottom often change in the blink of an eye. Antiope has to really watch out and react fast, as her feisty competitor is not going down with a fight. And indeed, she does respond appropriately! Her counter movements are so precise and accurate, Daenerys' lack of experience ultimately shows.
With both girls being such excellent athletes with highly competitive spirits, it's a pure joy to watch 'em in action. They are similar in size and level of fitness, as well as their high drives to win.
So in the end, it comes down to the difference in skills. Antiope just knows her finishers and her endgame is therefore on point! While Daenerys can start the rounds flying and even getting on top, it is Antiope who rules on executing almost all the submissions.
Seeing these fit, toned bodies, with their smooth, golden skin, go at it 100% with all they've got, makes this another delicious AlphaCatz treat to get and enjoy! This match also includes a few rounds of armwrestling.
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4