ACB-FEM-064: BUFF & THICK VS SLIM & SLENDER! feat. BuffBeth vs Penelope

New Cat - the amazing looking BUFFBETH - vs the aristocratic beauty PENELOPE - in what seems to be a competitive female wrestling mismatch… but it’s not that simple!
Now, we had a bit of a hard time persuading Penelope to go on the mat against BuffBeth. She saw her previous mixed match and was contemplating declining the match.
And to be honest, we were a bit hesitant too. Difference in size and power is unquestionably there, and it’s not small! Adding to that the fact that neither girl has high level technical skills yet is just how risky wrestling matches end up happening… as whenever you remove major skills from the equation, you’re adding more uncontrolled power into the mix.
Penelope is holding up surprisingly well in this match, though! Until the moment BuffBeth jumps on her torso, and the slim girl’s eyes start tearing up. We had to take a short break after that moment, and reevaluate the situation. Luckily for us, and for you, Penelope wowed to continue!
The newcomer BuffBeth’s power and size advantage is undeniable, however, and she puts ‘em both to good use here, putting pressure onto her more fragile opponent. After things almost come to a premature ending, one has to wonder whether we’ve made the right choice in pairing these two ladies together.
After Penelope reassures us she is okay, the match continues, and the drama and the action only intensifies. What a warrior spirit hidden in this slim dancer girl! Her heart will simply not allow her body to give up this match without a good proper fight! Big props to Penelope here.
And she surprisingly is able to catch BuffBeth in some compromising positions, often momentarily immobilising or at least slowing down the big girl in her tracks. To Penelope’s advantage, she has had a lot more fights, so she is technically ahead of BuffBeth’s newcomer skills.
So what it ultimately comes down to is this: Is BuffBeth able to overcome her lack of high level wrestling prowess by applying more of her raw strength and power to overcome Penelope’s better movements and wrestling finesse? The answer is: YES.
In a nutshell, once BuffBeth realises all she has to do is to wrestle the smaller Cat down beneath her, and then trap her in one of her favourite pins, she’s golden. Penelope is unable to get the bigger, stronger, and heavier girl off of her no matter what she tries. And trying, she does. But BuffBeth is just simply too Buff for her!
This match is an instant classic and a total dream for the fans of competitive pins. It also has some real dramatic moments.. and some fun ones too. Final victory pose is super hot.. you just gotta see BuffBeth proudly showing her guns, posing over her beaten opponent.
It all concludes with some final posing, flexing and muscle comparisons between these two sexy femme fatales. What a movie and what a viewing experience! Highly recommended.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4