ACB-FEM-049: SABRINA'S QUEST - Fight #1! feat. Sabrina vs Nemesis

SABRINA vs NEMESIS! This very competitive bout is a tale of two different wrestlers and approaches to wrestling.
Sabrina is very tactical, with the clear game plan to wear out her stronger opponent, and to capitalise on any mistake Nemesis makes. She is patient and methodical, thinking a step ahead.
Nemesis relies on her superior strength, power, and size. She tries to overwhelm Sabrina. She’s also very determined, and as always, she comes with a big heart and wants to win.
This is immense struggle, a game of wills, skills, and tenacity. There’s sweat, heavy breathing, grunting, some limbs get stretched out more than they should, and some growing animosity surfaces as the fight continues. No love is lost between these two very focused Catz!
Not a huge number of points happens in this match. It takes a lot to gain submissions here, and neither has a huge advantage, so the quest for each point is long, sweaty, and hard!
This is first of the 3 fights we release of Sabrina in her quest to rise to one of the top fighters on our team. Make sure to not miss any to see how her story develops!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4