ACB-FEM-041: BOTH FIT BUT ONE SKILLED! feat. Raella vs Cyra

Fit new Cat CYRA makes her competitive female wrestling debut against the bigger and skilled RAELLA!
Cyra starts out nervous, then grows increasingly feisty as the fight goes on. Her body looks great, her sexy trained legs and butt both looking so pleasing to the eye! She never wrestled yet before this day, but is willing to go head to head against such tough opponent right away.
Raella is in fine form here. She slimmed down a bit and got even more chiseled, and is fast and agile in her skilled movements, so much so that it sometimes looks like a game of cat and mouse, against the very fit but also very new and inexperienced debutante Cyra.
The action is often fast and unpredictable, as Raella dictates the tempo and direction of the match, but Cyra tries her very best not to succumb to the bigger and well versed fighter. The style is one-sided competitive female wrestling, the AlphaCatz style - real and raw!
HD | 1080p | 14min | MP4