AC-FEM-004: COOL-HEADED VS HOT-HEADED feat. Alkaia vs Scorpi

This right here is the very first wrestling match for the exciting new talent Scorpi.. a great competitive bout, AlphaCatz style. One that got her so fired up and interested in wrestling, we had trouble trying to contain her excitement to do at least 3 more like it on that same first day she walked into our studio. One that she found so motivating and inspiring that she spent another hour after the match rewatching the footage and going over all the holds and positions with Alkaia again, who was nice enough to discuss into details what she did and why and what Scorpi could have done to try to stop her.
Scorpi is a born tigress and a passionate fighter, experienced in various striking martial arts. Obviously, since she was new to wrestling at the time of this shooting, she did not have the necessary grappling skills and experience to pose a threat to the mighty Alkaia, one of our best wrestlers who has improved tremendously since she started herself just a couple years ago.
So, this is the battle of brand new fiery ‘hot-head’ vs skilled muscly ‘cool-head’, with a very one-sided points outcome. However, the path to the victory does not come easy for Alkaia, who is faced with an opponent physically as strong and fit as she is.. which is, looking at her amazon physique and bulging feminine muscles, really saying something. In fact, the intro arm-wrestling challenge left us all quite surprised.
Scorpi has the passion for fighting that cannot be faked. You can see it in her eyes, in her face expression, at the start of each round. She is eager to wrestle. Alkaia loves wrestling very much as well, but with dozens of wrestling matches already behind her, she is the calmer and collected one in this bout, with a good game plan, and moves diligently yet effortlessly across the mats, with a clear know-how on how to handle Scorpi’s advances and efforts.
This is competitive action, sometimes very fast to the point that we get worried an injury might happen, when for example Scorpi lifts Alkaia who is locked with her legs around Scorpi’s neck, and they end up falling backwards hard and fast. Just the fact that Scorpi showed so much fighting spirit in her very 1st match left us very impressed with her, despite her lack of technicalities. We were equally impressed with how calm and smiling Alkaia stayed throughout all these manoeuvres.
Of course, due to her superior experience, Alkaia keeps a tight rein on the way the match is headed pretty much at all times, employing an array of effective triangle chokes and sleepers to gain enough points for a decisive victory. She has a great time fighting Scorpi, even complimenting her after the match for her great newcomer performance. Still, Alkaia does not have to go full-on most of the times, instead controlling Scorpi’s movements and preparing her next submission. She enjoys entangling and trapping Scorpi and making her work hard to try to stop her push to the victory.
Finally, as the clear and rightful winner, she steps on the beaten newcomer, displaying her sexy peaked biceps in the flexing slow-mo victory pose on top of her beaten opponent.
Great combination and very dynamic duo of powerful fighting girls in this competitive female wrestling video!
HD | 720p | 17min | MP4