ACB-FEM-080: CRASH COURSED 10! feat. Alkaia vs Zelda

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the competitive setting. Here, it is the match of muscly & skilled female amazon ALKAIA vs slim & non-muscly model ZELDA!
The difference in skill, size and power is so large here, it could very well be called competitive domination. While Zelda's good at dominating men, she is clueless at the art of actual competitive wrestling. Alkaia, on the other hand, has probably never had a weaker opponent. So, this is a major, massive mismatch!
Like a cat and mouse, Alkaia plays with her victim in any way she pleases. Zelda is absolutely unable to mount any meaningful defence. She is simply overwhelmed to the absolute degree.
When you see her cute little head trapped so hopelessly in her skilled opponent's thick and muscly thighs, with Alkaia's mighty squeeze wiping the grin off her face, when you see her smaller slimmer body flailing around the mats like a paper bag in the wind, you realise what it means when the strong girl completely owns a weaker one with such a large difference in skill, size, and power. The former could literally do anything to her, while she could do nothing in return, nothing at all, to stop her.
It's so sexy seeing Zelda so lost, so deeply, in Alkaia's holds. Alkaia loves to use headscissors and triangles whenever she can, giving you a great view of what it's like to be caught in her sexy powerful legs.
This is competitive female wrestling with completely one-sided final score. One Cat dominates from start to finish, while the other has no clue what's happening to her!
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-CUST-079: 1-HOUR MEGA ENDURANCE FIGHT! feat. Sabrina vs Penelope

SABRINA vs PENELOPE in one nonstop 60-minute long punishing competitive female wrestling fight!
A gruelling affair of one skilled vs one unskilled wrestler, interrupted by only one quick water break at half time, with Sabrina completely dictating the tempo and direction of majority of movements.
Fatigue starts to be a factor after the first 15-20 minutes, at least on one side. Sabrina seems unfazed yet, but poor Penelope starts to suffer from being so overwhelmed, exhausted from all the punishing holds and mounting pressure from the bigger and more experienced opponent.
Her distressed moaning only further intensifies as the match progresses, as her slender body starts aching from everything Sabrina does with her.
Around halftime, her brain starts to accept her defeat will be inevitable, as she sees Sabrina is in total control. She never stops fighting, though, she does her best to resist, to survive, to the end.
And Sabrina doesn't make things easier for her weaker foe. She makes Penelope's suffering worse instead, by prolonging her holds, squeezing and draining life out of her unfortunate opponent.
Overall length of the match takes its toll on Penelope especially, her neck and ribs are in pain (she wrote she couldn't get up from bed next morning). Remember - only one short water break allowed throughout the course of the whole 1 hour competitive match!
This is highly recommended viewing for all the fans of competitive one-sided female wrestling.
HD | 1080p | 62min | MP4
ACB-FEM-078: BLONDE VS REDHEAD FIGHT! feat. Antiope vs Cobra

ANTIOPE vs COBRA in one very competitive female wrestling bout! First armwrestling, and then it's on!
Like two feisty fireballs on speed, their pace and energy keeps rising up instead of down as their heated fight goes on. You can see their fierceness and competitiveness coming through, as they size each other up with each round with a sharp eye, waiting to jump one another in a flash.
Takedowns are often hard and fast, with both fit, very athletic Catz laser-focused on their mission.
They're closely matched in size, power and fitness level. Both incredible athletes in their sports. Here they clash in the competitive wrestling battle they will both remember!
HD | 1080p | 22min | MP4
ACB-CUST-077 BACK BENDING GALORE 1! feat. Lara vs Penelope

LARA vs PENELOPE in one-sided BACK-BENDING custom match!
The action is non-competitive and main focus is on camel clutch variants, full nelsons, and other more or less (un)usual holds designed to bend one's back and hold the opponent captive in these painful immobilising positions.
And painful the experience for the slimmer and weaker Penelope it is, as Lara bends her a bit too much in the very first camel clutch entrapment, which causes the smaller girl to suffer throughout the movie probably more than she anticipated.
Each takedown, Lara manoeuvres her down on the mat and proceeds to execute the various back bending holds in prolonged fashion, keeping Penelope's back bent throughout majority of the match, with her fragile body stuck in the stronger girl's clutches. Her exposed belly is also on full display quite often, for those who likes to see that.
This movie is for fans of pro wrestling holds and those who love to see a slim, flexible girl to be put through the wringer via holds designed to test one's back-bending ability. And just like in life - one girl has it all easy, while the other takes all the pain!
HD | 1080p | 15min | MP4
ACB-DOM-076: THE SUPERIOR FEMALE! feat. BuffBeth vs Yola

With BUFFBETH and YOLA both clad in sexy outfits revealing their physiques, the movie starts with Yola stretching her elastic body in harmony and peace. BuffBeth, however, has other plans for her in mind!
She attacks her from behind and takes her down. From that moment on, it becomes an exercise of will for her more fragile opponent to hold on and last to the end.
BuffBeth serves her her favourite holds, without ever letting her back up. She keeps her on the edge in prolonged bodyscissors combined with rear naked chokes. She makes her face nice shade of red in her powerful headscissors, and sits proudly on top of her in super tight schoolgirl pins, flexing her sexy biceps. She also loves the tarantula hold, and catches her inferior adversary frequently, completely immobilising her.
Yola is made an object of suffering and her only purpose becomes a serving to her superior foe's needs and desires. Other holds then include camel clutches and full nelsons, where BuffBeth takes full advantage of the loser's flexibility, bending her back and stretching her abdomen to a great angle. The weaker woman becomes a putty in her meaty legs and muscly arms.
At the end, under an imminent danger of going out, Yola is made to admit her greater foe is much stronger than her. Laying on her belly in humiliating fashion, the muscular feminine goddess steps on her and flexes big, in the final act of complete defeat.
HD | 1080p | 20min | MP4
ACB-CUST-075 THE DEFEET 2! feat. Sabrina vs Juno

Here it comes - another hot wrestling match focusing on competitive FOOT domination!
Following the huge success of ACB-CUST-069, here it is SABRINA just demolishing poor JUNO using her sexy FEET!
Sabrina takes a slightly different approach than Lara, patiently wearing out Juno, and sticking her feet into her face whenever an opening comes.
With large difference in skills, Sabrina never gets in danger from Juno, and can easily just focus on controlling and manoeuvring Juno where she wants her. Juno is unable to stop Sabrina no matter what she does. She is forced into positions which allow Sabrina to dominate her using her feet completely against her will.
Comp one-sided wrestling match with forced foot domination!
HD | 1080p | 22min | MP4
ACB-FEM-074: PRIDE ON THE LINE! feat. Yola vs Penelope

YOLA vs PENELOPE, in one of the best competitive battles of girls who are not highly skilled!
See, when we scheduled this match, we weren't so sure. Normally, pairing 2 girls that are not technically skilled invites a chance something will go wrong. Whether it's a higher potential to injury due to clumsiness, lack of the right attitude, etc.
Sometimes, though, the stars align just right. As is the case in this exciting action match!
Both opponents came to win here. Yola thinks she'll win as she's bigger of the two. Penelope thinks she'll win because she's been wrestling longer.
The first round takes quite a long time. It is also the round that will dictate the direction of the whole match. You can feel that whoever breaks the other, will achieve momentum and psychological advantage over the other girl.
Both Catz fight with their hearts and pride on the line. But one also uses a game plan and sticks to it.
Both Catz are very vocal. Their natural moaning and groaning adds a lot to this match. It's sexy and very immersive, making you feel like you're there with 'em, fighting for their pride!
As pride is at stake here. Penelope has never won competitive match yet, and she feels Yola will succumb. She wants to get that feeling of victory, after so many losses.
Yola wants to win, to show she has what it takes in her competitive female wrestling debut.
End result is quite a clash, much more intense and thrilling than we anticipated. Action is fast, and there is feistiness, tenacity, determination, aggression, and high pressure on both sides. You can sense the exhaustion and frustration growing on one side after each round, as well as confidence reaffirmed on the other, with each won point.
Ultimately, one girl takes all the glory. The road to get there is paved with great action and excellent fighting spirits. This is well recommended competitive female wrestling match!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-CUST-073: YOUTH FOR THE WIN! feat. Delphi vs Siberia

SIBERIA vs DELPHI! 2 Catz with sizeable and dangerous legs, meet in this custom apartment match! And it is a match of the young vs the 'old'(er), where the youth prevails.
While certain holds happen in certain sequence as per the sponsor script, the Catz wrestle in full action manner as usual otherwise, applying holds with real pressure.
Siberia especially ends up on the receiving end of Delphi's powerful headscissors, figure fours and triangle chokes. She responds with neck and body scissors of her own plus some long rear naked chokes!
Action female wrestling with custom holds scenario and predetermined winner!
HD | 1080p | 20min | MP4
ACB-FEM-072: GRAPPLE FROM STAND-UP! feat. Sabrina vs Toxis

SABRINA vs TOXIS duke it out in this higly competitive action match where rounds start from stand-up position!
This is a match between two skilled Catz who both know what they're doing. It is also a very even match, with long rounds fought with maximum determination and no room for error. With both sides scoring and keeping each other in check, this one is absolutely not one-sided at all. Quite contrary. You won't know who wins until the very end!
Toxis has some previous judo experience so takedowns from stand-up might suit her. She is also a very feisty and aggressive wrestler.
Sabrina moves more smoothly and calmy around the mats and she has been grappling longer so she is favorited on the ground.
So there you have it. Two trained athletes of similar size facing each other in the battle of wills and big competitive spirits. Who wins? Tune in to find out! A well recommended and very competitive fight.
HD | 1080p | 19min | MP4
ACB-FEM-071: TALENT MEETS SKILLS! feat. Antiope vs Daenerys

ANTIOPE vs DAENERYS in one exhilarating bout of competitive female wrestling. Two fiery lightweight athletes in relentless pursuit of power, speed and domination. Fast-paced and highly competitive match.
Daenerys displays great natural talent, as this was only just her debut day in wrestling and only her second match ever. She only wrestled Lara immediately prior to this bout (check out ACB-FEM-030), and you can see how fast she's picked up how to move and go about it. In this match, it becomes clear and obvious, she's a born fighter!
Antiope of course has had many more matches and training, and she is equally as strong and fit as the newcomer, so she has big advantage in skills. She certainly wasn't expecting an opponent who's brand new to wrestling to be this quick and competent, though.
Rounds starts fast. With both girls so fit and strong, transitions and who's on top and who's on the bottom often change in the blink of an eye. Antiope has to really watch out and react fast, as her feisty competitor is not going down with a fight. And indeed, she does respond appropriately! Her counter movements are so precise and accurate, Daenerys' lack of experience ultimately shows.
With both girls being such excellent athletes with highly competitive spirits, it's a pure joy to watch 'em in action. They are similar in size and level of fitness, as well as their high drives to win.
So in the end, it comes down to the difference in skills. Antiope just knows her finishers and her endgame is therefore on point! While Daenerys can start the rounds flying and even getting on top, it is Antiope who rules on executing almost all the submissions.
Seeing these fit, toned bodies, with their smooth, golden skin, go at it 100% with all they've got, makes this another delicious AlphaCatz treat to get and enjoy! This match also includes a few rounds of armwrestling.
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-FEM-070: NEWCOMER IN TROUBLE! feat. Cobra vs Daphne

DAPHNE vs COBRA! This is debut match for Daphne, a sexy and strong girl who's never wrestled before, taking on smaller but skilled and very powerful little dynamo Cobra!
This is competitive female wrestling bout, AlphaCatz style. But it is also a very entertaining match at times, as we left some of the chat in between the falls in the footage, for your extra enjoyment. To top it off, Cobra shows us a little unintentional surprise at one point as well, to say the least, hehe.
Duel of strength and size on one side vs strength and skills on the other, often fast, but with completely one-sided outcome. Cobra rules the mats and does whatever she wants with Daphne, whom, despite being bigger, simply cannot substitute that for much more advanced grappling skills of her smaller opponent.
Daphne does manage to get on top once or twice, though, but it is mainly a case of Cobra making a mistake or getting more careless, trying to apply her favourite holds like the headscissor. Both girls keep positive attitudes, despite the match getting pretty heated up at times.
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-CUST-069 TOTAL DEFEET! feat. Lara vs Penelope

Dear fans, here's another gem for you! LARA vs PENELOPE in competitive foot domination female wrestling match!
This marks the first time we are producing a foot dom match between females. And what a showstopper this film becomes!
For the first 5 minutes, this is a regular competitive female wrestling match, which Lara then turns into competitive foot domination wrestling, showcasing her amazing creativity and that sexy evilness she's famous for.
She puts the beautiful Penelope into her place so thoroughly, the poor girl doesn't know what hit her. Actually, she does know. Lara's sexy feet! Planted right in her face.
Lara plays and toys with her unfortunate opponent like a cat plays with a mouse, coming up with unique but very effective positions on how to stick her feet in Penelope's face from all possible angles.
With an obvious joy on Lara's face, you can see her (slightly) twisted mind is having fun! Penelope tries her best to defend, but she stands no chance. Lara and her feet rule the mats. Not because Penelope lets her, but because the difference in skills is so large, there's nothing Penelope can do to stop it. And that's sexy. Competitive foot domination!
So there you have it. Sexy female feet lovers, female foot dom fans - all can rejoice! You'll love this bout, as it has all our usual AlphaCatz qualities. Plus it is competitive, but also a domination, as it's completely one-sided. Lara's skills, attitude and inventive ways on how to use her nice feet as dangerous tools of war and dominance make this movie a must-have!
HD | 1080p | 21min | MP4
ACB-FEM-068: SUPERIOR SKILLS! feat. Sabrina vs Juno

JUNO vs SABRINA in the competitive female wrestling match! A bout that could easily qualify for our famous CRASH COURSED series but since it was sponsored we chose to name it differently.
However, the only request by the sponsor was that these Catz simply wrestle against each other. So there's no script and their fight is therefore competitive but completely one-sided, as Sabrina is years ahead in terms of skills compared to poor Juno who's still a beginner.
There's plenty of submissions happening here. Sabrina's favourite finishers in this match are the sleepers and the triangles - both get applied on Juno's neck numerous times. Juno just can't find any way to defend those. Other holds include headscissors, crossbody pins, and more.
This is competitive female wrestling fight with one-sided final score. Both Catz are almost the same size but vastly different skillset level. The faces Juno makes during her suffering ordeal really tell the story!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-CUST-067: FULL-BODY PINNED BY SLIM GIRL! feat. Nemesis vs Khaleesi

Custom film starring strong & beefy NEMESIS vs skilled & sexy KHALEESI. The movie made for fans of long pins! Specifically, long FULL BODY PINS as well as tight GRAPEVINES!
Loosely inspired by our previous ACB-CUST-045 and ACB-CUST-026 releases, however this time, it’s the slim girl that keeps pinning the bigger girl down and there's also grapevines added for more variation.
And these kinds of pins is just what Khaleesi does, over and over each round! Outwrestling her bigger opponent each and every time, she rules the mat, while the big girl is here to suffer underneath her sexy body.
Nemesis has a slight crush on Khaleesi, so being casted into the role seems like a match made in heaven for her. However, Khaleesi really spreads her out, and plants her weight down good, in order to make her opponent's day beneath her as uncomfortable as possible!
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-FEM-066: LET THE SPIRITS FLY 2! feat. Lara vs Scorpi

LARA vs SCORPI in the competitive female wrestling battle! Two very competitive, aggression-loving Catz meet face-to-face.
Scorpi wearing her sexy revealing bottom, proudly showing her chiseled butt, while Lara in her famous Cat-styled shorts. What a sight!
Scorpi may be new to grappling, but ready to fight to the fullest. Lara is a vet of many fights on the mat.
This turns out to be an amazing pairing, resulting in extremely watchable fight. Fast and explosive when needed, with Lara slowing down and controlling her sporty and eager opponent at the right moments. No ex porn-stars or clueless weak models here - this is two strong and determined athletes who happen to look very sexy doing what they love.. fighting hard and competing for dominance!
And you can see how much Scorpi dislikes being controlled, being a proud, confident martial artist herself (just not trained in grappling). And even though she ultimately stands no chance, she makes Lara really having to work for it, as she is just as fit and fierce competitor as her overall. And she never complains, never wears out. In fact, she even seems to pick up the speed towards the end!
Then, it is Lara. Those who know her look, touch, and feel will surely find it here. The way her piercing eyes size you up, then she grabs you, twist you, and make you her toy. The way she looks at Scorpi at certain times.. wow, such a sexy and dangerous look! It’s like she recognises and likes that Scorpi is a born fighter too, just in a different style, and feeds off of her energy. These two are so exciting and entertaining to watch together!
A great movie, as always, in the true, competitive AlphaCatz style!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4

Sponsored competitive female boxing movie between SABRINA and TOXIS! Real boxing between strong and trained female athletes. These Catz pack a punch!
They go at it for 4 rounds to decide who the winner and better boxer really is. As with our previous comp boxing matches, a ref is there to make sure their battle is scored by the book. And it's not just their boxing fight that's included in the movie!
We filmed their preparation, training, getting ready, the whole experience of what it feels like before they even step in the ring. You will be there with 'em as the atmosphere builds up!
Note that these two amazons are willing to step in the cage for an MMA fight in case someone wants to sponsor that battle too. That's just how real and serious badasses they are.
This movie is for all the fans of real female boxing and strong women fighters who don't F*** around!
HD | 1080p | 20min | MP4
ACB-FEM-064: BUFF & THICK VS SLIM & SLENDER! feat. BuffBeth vs Penelope

New Cat - the amazing looking BUFFBETH - vs the aristocratic beauty PENELOPE - in what seems to be a competitive female wrestling mismatch… but it’s not that simple!
Now, we had a bit of a hard time persuading Penelope to go on the mat against BuffBeth. She saw her previous mixed match and was contemplating declining the match.
And to be honest, we were a bit hesitant too. Difference in size and power is unquestionably there, and it’s not small! Adding to that the fact that neither girl has high level technical skills yet is just how risky wrestling matches end up happening… as whenever you remove major skills from the equation, you’re adding more uncontrolled power into the mix.
Penelope is holding up surprisingly well in this match, though! Until the moment BuffBeth jumps on her torso, and the slim girl’s eyes start tearing up. We had to take a short break after that moment, and reevaluate the situation. Luckily for us, and for you, Penelope wowed to continue!
The newcomer BuffBeth’s power and size advantage is undeniable, however, and she puts ‘em both to good use here, putting pressure onto her more fragile opponent. After things almost come to a premature ending, one has to wonder whether we’ve made the right choice in pairing these two ladies together.
After Penelope reassures us she is okay, the match continues, and the drama and the action only intensifies. What a warrior spirit hidden in this slim dancer girl! Her heart will simply not allow her body to give up this match without a good proper fight! Big props to Penelope here.
And she surprisingly is able to catch BuffBeth in some compromising positions, often momentarily immobilising or at least slowing down the big girl in her tracks. To Penelope’s advantage, she has had a lot more fights, so she is technically ahead of BuffBeth’s newcomer skills.
So what it ultimately comes down to is this: Is BuffBeth able to overcome her lack of high level wrestling prowess by applying more of her raw strength and power to overcome Penelope’s better movements and wrestling finesse? The answer is: YES.
In a nutshell, once BuffBeth realises all she has to do is to wrestle the smaller Cat down beneath her, and then trap her in one of her favourite pins, she’s golden. Penelope is unable to get the bigger, stronger, and heavier girl off of her no matter what she tries. And trying, she does. But BuffBeth is just simply too Buff for her!
This match is an instant classic and a total dream for the fans of competitive pins. It also has some real dramatic moments.. and some fun ones too. Final victory pose is super hot.. you just gotta see BuffBeth proudly showing her guns, posing over her beaten opponent.
It all concludes with some final posing, flexing and muscle comparisons between these two sexy femme fatales. What a movie and what a viewing experience! Highly recommended.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-FEM-063: BLONDE VS BRUNETTE FIGHT! feat. Antiope vs Cassandra

ANTIOPE vs CASSANDRA! In this highly competitive female wrestling match, it is a major showtime between the blonde and the brunette!
Both are lightweight, highly capable and very fit athletes. To start with, arm wrestling shows off power of their arms. Then, the fight starts! The feisty, aggressive Antiope has got more experience, with more fights under her belt. Cassandra however never backs down from a challenge!
They soon both realise the other one is not just a pretty and fit woman like themselves but also an extremely competitive one. So there is tension and big push from both to try to win so much, you almost get worried for their safety, as they battle it out in full power and speed.
Cassandra’s neck can be a sensitive one, and Antiope cranks it up more than ever. There is a moment where Cassandra looks hurt, but she eventually gets up and carries on. She is one tough Alpha Cat!
Antiope is really dangerous in her game here. So quick and lethal in her moves and holds. She seems to keep the upper hand most of the time, but Cassandra does her best to overcome her more experienced rival.
It is highly competitive, action packed female wrestling match, where both combatants are equally as beautiful as they are super fit and sporty. It is an age-old battle of blondes against brunettes where neither girl is ready to lose easily without a proper battle. Another highly recommended movie by AlphaCatz!
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-FEM-062: CRAZY TAG TEAM 1vs2 BATTLE! feat. Lara vs Delphi & Daenerys

You love LARA. You love DAENERYS & DELPHI. You love real competitive wrestling, AlphaCatz style. You will love this crazy, wild match!
This is competitive TAG TEAM 1 vs 2 fight. Lara has to wrestle all the time, while the other two girls switch, either from tapping out, or tagging one another in distress. The tag team rule is that the standing-by tag team wrestler has to keep her feet off the mats at all times - so if she cannot reach her fellow wrestler's hand in trouble from there, she can’t save her.
Delphi starts up fresh and confident, matching Lara in size and power. Daenerys is smaller, but her fitness and pound-for-pound strength is phenomenal. Lara is LARA. Sometimes crazy, often wild, always skilled amazon. And she indeed checks all the boxes here!
Things are not so easy for her in this match, though. Both Delphi and Daenerys display a stubborn resistance as they try vehemently to derail Lara in her track.
Stamina is a factor too, with the two girls always having a chance for breaks whenever the other one is wrestling, while Lara has none of that, as the two girls switch without giving her a moment to rest.
Lara keeps heating up, you can see her aggression building up quickly. We actually felt the need to have a couple of short talks with her during the match, to try to calm her down a bit, as we worried for Delphi’s safety especially. They don’t seem to get along very well as is; and with one of the tagteam girls busting Lara’s lip (by accident) early in the match, that doesn't help to tone down the drama either!
The plan was for this match to go extra long at 30 minutes, however Delphi suffers a neck sprain towards the end, so the match is shorter but still very long, running at 24mins. It showcases Lara’s famous ability to apply any hold from any angle and even come up with some unique unusual moves and positions, but also excellent to see both Delphi and Daenerys performing so well so as to actually mount some pretty cool resistance and even some countermoves against such a difficult and tough opponent.
It is a wild, crazy and fast fight, with both Delphi and Daenerys having to deal with increasingly aggressive Lara. Very competitive, and not easy at all for either side. Another amazing AlphaCatz bestseller. Highly recommended!
HD | 1080p | 24min | MP4
ACB-CUST-061: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 9! feat. Toxis vs Juno

Custom female wrestling series with the focus on prolonged reverse face smothering featuring JUNO vs TOXIS!
Domination match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom, in prolonged fashion, before finally taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Toxis is the skilled grappler while Juno is a wrestling beginner. Here though, they both experience what it's like to be on top doing the smothering as well as suffering the lack of air and claustrophobia being trapped on the bottom, their faces covered by their sexy bottoms.
And even though the match is staged, both girls start each round with takedowns from the neutral kneeing position and work each other into reverse smothering pins against resistance, until firmly seated atop their opponent.
Being the same height and weight, with their bodies and butts being similar as well, neither can complain any unfair smothering advantage. Watch these sexy Catz climb forcefully on top of each other for a good seat!
The movie for the female face-sitting domination fans who are into girls doing real smothering punishments with their sexy derrieres.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-060: CRASH COURSED 9! feat. Lilith vs Elektra & Theia

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the full-on competitive female wrestling style. These matches are very popular, and this one is no different!
Here, it’s the popular LILITH taking on 2 brave new Catz, ELEKTRA and THEIA, one right after another. It's the first day ever these 2 new girls get to wrestle, and Lilith gets to make sure they get broken in properly.
Elektra puts up more fight than Theia. She is bigger, heavier and even stronger than Lilith, so she has the physical advantage. However those who know Lilith are fully aware that she dismantles bigger opponents all the time. She is so quick and so crafty and her legs especially are so deadly! She catches Elektra in so many triangles, it makes her head shake in disbelief.
While Elektra has a few bright moments during their match, in the second match, Theia proves absolutely helpless against Lilith's moves, who plays with her with a smile on her face. Theia gets trapped and choked over and over, resulting in a lot of points even though their match is shorter.
Great performance by Lilith who's having lots of fun beating these new Catz. This is competitive female wrestling with one-sided final scores. 2 matches in 1 movie. Enjoy!
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-CUST-059: CHOKED & SCISSORED! feat. Juno vs Delphi

Newcomer JUNO jumps DELPHI and dominates her using long chokes and scissors!
The movie starts with Delphi peacefully stretching her sexy, sporty body. Her peaceful time comes to an abrupt end within minutes, though, as Juno jumps her from the back, immediately gets her into rear naked choke, and starts controlling her.
If this was competitive fight, Delphi would beat her, however, sponsor wanted to see how a beginner would do when put into winning position. Juno therefore wrestles Delphi into series of sleeper holds, scissors and triangles, and controls her from start to finish.
Delphi never recovers, as if still looking stuck in her peaceful frame of mind whenever Juno forcefully interrupted her stretching routine. Finally, foot on face ends this movie, as the sweet looking beginner proudly flexes over the loser.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-FEM-058: CRASH COURSED 8! feat. Khaleesi vs Penelope

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the competitive setting! Here, it is a match of two sexy lightweights, the sensual & skilled KHALEESI vs the aristocratic beauty PENELOPE!
Khaleesi’s movements are always coordinated and well thought-out. It makes it seem like as if she’s almost relaxed in a way she moves, she is very aware of her own as well as her opponent’s bodies and moves smoothly and easily, like a cat.
Penelope’s movements are that of a typical beginner, clumsy and erratic. She often moves the wrong direction, putting herself in danger of getting dominated. And dominating her, Khaleesi does!
She schools and outclasses her less experienced foe, toys with her, and completely decides when and how she will make the poor Penelope completely stuck, helpless, and eventually submitted. There’s almost no difference in size and power. So it’s all about skill.
There's pins and submissions in this competitive match. It is an one-sided show with one completely owning the other. Khaleesi forces Penelope to give up in wide array of holds as she exercises her dominance. In fact, she could have racked up even more points, if she’d desired so. Instead, she also enjoys seeing Penelope struggle endlessly, as she has her stuck and in complete control.
While they both have that aura of a classy, not trashy, sex-appeal, the loser’s MOANING as she struggles is so HOT to hear!
This is competitive female wrestling fight with one-sided final score. Well recommended for your viewing pleasure.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-CUST-057: STRETCHED & EXPOSED ABS 2! feat. Daenerys vs Raella

This hot custom is a sequel to our previous ACB-CUST-013 release, this time starring DAENERYS and RAELLA!
Unlike previously, here, the first one third of the match is pretty competitive wrestling, which showcases the smaller girl almost being able to keep up with the bigger girl. Almost, but not quite!
So then, in the major last two thirds, it is time for the bigger girl to be putting the smaller one into major distress, by dominating her using holds which stretch and expose the smaller girl’s sexy chiseled ABS!
And it is a sight to behold! Both girls are tremendous athletes with amazing bodies. Daenerys looks awesome whether she’s winning or losing, and watching Raella put her through all those abs-exposing holds and manoeuvres is so great to watch.
Raella is versatile, grabbing Daenerys in backbreakers, full nelsons, scissors and triangles, as well as some unique unusual holds. She even lifts Danerys off the ground in full nelson! Power and athleticism of these Alpha Catz is something you should not miss out on!
HD | 1080p | 21min | MP4
ACB-FEM-056: A MATTER OF EXPLOSIVE POWER! feat. Toxis vs Raella

The upcoming challenger TOXIS meets powerful RAELLA! Competitive female wrestling match, with both pins and submissions allowed.
Such arrangement suits Raella, who’s well aware of her bigger size and the fact she is stronger. As both Catz show respect for each other, it’s Raella who seems a bit more confident.
Toxis however is not scared of her foe at all, even as she tries to set a friendly tone, smiling at Raella. She does her best, to have the match go her way. Even though it’s hard for her!
You see, whenever she gets the upper hand, she often misses that extra 10% to deliver that final blow to her bigger opponent, who somehow manages to turn the table using her explosive power.
Both Catz get on top during their fight - but one just has that extra oomph needed to score more. While Toxis continually keeps improving, it is mighty Raella who rules this competitive female wrestling bout.
As it stands, it is a fight showcasing Toxis still has some more training to do to challenge her again!
HD | 1080p | 14min | MP4
ACB-CUST-055: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 8! feat. Inanna vs Cyra

Custom female wrestling match with the focus on prolonged reverse face smothering marks this sexy release featuring INANNA and CYRA!
Female wrestling domination match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom, in prolonged fashion, before finally taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Inanna gets carried away a few times and breaks the script, showcasing some of her trademarked smothering techniques that leave Cyra completely breathless.
Despite Inanna being well-known face smothering expert, predetermined outcome is with the sponsor making the younger Cyra the overall winner. And even though the match is staged, both girls start each round with takedowns from the neutral kneeing position and work each other into reverse smothering pins against resistance, until firmly seated atop their opponent. It makes for an exciting viewing experience.
Each girl also has a different butt. Both are very fit and powerful ladies but Inanna has the thicker body, her curves and bottom is bigger and more pronounced. Cyra is slimmer but strength-wise they are about even. Watch these sexy Catz climb forcefully on top of each other for a good seat!
The movie for the female face-sitting domination fans who are into strong girls doing real smothering punishments with their sexy, heavy squat-trained derrieres.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-FEM-054: YOUNG GUNS AT WAR! feat. Toxis vs Cyra

TOXIS vs CYRA! Super competitive female wrestling match, which pits the determined, feisty and dangerous young tigress Toxis against the athletic and competitive Cat Cyra.
The tempo of this bout sometimes gets almost too hectic. Both of these young Catz are so competitive and fast, they often pull moves which seem to compromise their own safety.
Toxis is more experienced and seems to be one step ahead most of the time, but Cyra will not go down without one hell of a fight! She is always on the lookout to counter attack whenever possible, desperately fighting for survival and wanting to score.
Toxis has to apply her holds with maximum force to be able to make Cyra tap out, as Cyra is known to withstand a lot of pain and discomfort. Toxis knows what she’s doing, though, and Cyra has her hands full throughout this heated match!
A lot of adrenaline rushes through their veins, and their immense struggle is electrifying to watch. Typical AlphaCatz female vs female battle - all real and very intense!
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4

Sponsored competitive female boxing fight, between ALKAIA and RAELLA! Followed by smother punishment!
This is real boxing, between real and strong female athletes. These Catz are powerful and they pack a punch. These are not some puny fetish models. Each of these sexy amazons can squat over 220lbs. They go against each other for 3 rounds to decide who the winner and better boxer really is.
They fight clean, by the rules and with a ref, and they fight hard. By the end, the winner is decided. The action doesn’t stop there, however! Unlike our previous bestselling ACB-012 boxing match, this movie has an evil twist.
In the fourth and final round, the winner gets to humiliate the loser. She will strip her of the boxing gloves, throws her to the ground, and proceeds to administer long and thorough facesitting punishment!
The loser is sat on, smothered for good 10 minutes, while the winner sits proudly and smiles, being all happy to be the winner and on top. And what an ordeal for the loser, to be outboxed at first and then degraded like that on top. She writhes her legs, even tries to bridge, all to no avail, as she stays down and suffers.
Very unique movie, for the fans of real boxing, strong women, and humiliation of the loser! First half is all about competitive boxing. Second half is all about smothering the loser!
HD | 1080p | 20min | MP4
ACB-FEM-052: SABRINA'S QUEST - Fight #3! feat. Sabrina vs Lara

Final fight of Sabrina’s reckoning is here! Filmed immediately after her highly competitive 050 fight vs Raella, SABRINA has only one ‘small’ obstacle left to overcome that day -> LARA!
Lara just watched Sabrina’s previous fight, and she is ready to jump on Sabrina like the Alpha Cat she is. She charges Sabrina full speed ahead.
Everyone knows Lara loves to go wild. This can be a scary thing for the calmer, more collected girls. Sabrina prefers to fight methodically, in a slower, more controlled manner. This approach doesn’t bode well with Lara.
Right from the start, Lara is determined to overwhelm Sabrina with aggression, speed and force. Sabrina is slower, and maybe, she shows too much respect to her opponent.
Lara throws Sabrina off balance with her unconventional, unique but very effective holds, which Sabrina seems to find no answer to. She is thrown around a lot more than in her previous match, and cannot seem to mount an offensive of her own.
This is competitive female wrestling match, which surprisingly turns almost one-sided! Lara rules the mat here, and shows to all her fans why she is the force to be reckoned with!
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-CUST-051: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 7! feat. Nessa vs Xiuri

Custom female wrestling match with the focus on prolonged reverse face smothering marks this sexy release featuring NESSA and XIURI!
Female wrestling domination match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom, in prolonged fashion, before finally taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor making the fitter Nessa the overall winner. Even though the match is staged, both girls start each round with takedowns from the neutral kneeing position and work each other into reverse smothering pins, until firmly seated atop their opponent.
Each girl has a different butt. Xiuri is a farmer girl, her bottom is big, plump, and thick. Nessa lifts weights, so hers is fitter, more muscly, not too soft, not too hard, not as big. Watch these sexy Catz climb forcefully on top of each other for a good seat!
The movie for the female face-sitting domination fans who are into strong girls doing real smothering punishments with their sexy derrieres.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-050: SABRINA'S QUEST - Fight #2! feat. Sabrina vs Raella

Following up from previous competitive ACB-FEM-049 release, fast forward 2 years to this: SABRINA vs RAELLA!
Facing possibly her toughest opponent yet, with her improved skills and gained confidence, this will be Sabrina’s biggest test yet!
Raella is a bit taller, a bit heavier, a bit stronger. But she’s been having some trouble with her ligaments lately. Sabrina’s skills are her sharpest yet. She’s grown the most out of all the Catz.
Raella has a slow start. Sabrina jumps on her like a well-oiled machine. By the time Raella realises she may be in trouble in this match, half of it already passes by / is over! She needs to regroup and start scoring quickly. She catches Sabrina in a hard squeeze, that seems to take some wind out of Sabrina for sure.
The question is, will Raella have enough time to turn this match over? Can she do it? Or will Sabrina pull off a surprise victory? Tune in to find out!
Very close but also very dynamic match. Exciting performance on both sides until the very end. Technical skills, excellent reversals, explosive power. Top competitive female wrestling, AlphaCatz style! Do not miss.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-FEM-049: SABRINA'S QUEST - Fight #1! feat. Sabrina vs Nemesis

SABRINA vs NEMESIS! This very competitive bout is a tale of two different wrestlers and approaches to wrestling.
Sabrina is very tactical, with the clear game plan to wear out her stronger opponent, and to capitalise on any mistake Nemesis makes. She is patient and methodical, thinking a step ahead.
Nemesis relies on her superior strength, power, and size. She tries to overwhelm Sabrina. She’s also very determined, and as always, she comes with a big heart and wants to win.
This is immense struggle, a game of wills, skills, and tenacity. There’s sweat, heavy breathing, grunting, some limbs get stretched out more than they should, and some growing animosity surfaces as the fight continues. No love is lost between these two very focused Catz!
Not a huge number of points happens in this match. It takes a lot to gain submissions here, and neither has a huge advantage, so the quest for each point is long, sweaty, and hard!
This is first of the 3 fights we release of Sabrina in her quest to rise to one of the top fighters on our team. Make sure to not miss any to see how her story develops!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-CUST-048: SIXTEEN WAYS TO BREAK A NECK! feat. Raella vs Alkaia

RAELLA and ALKAIA go head to head in this fascinating custom battle focusing solely on various ways to break each other’s neck! In fact, there are 16 neck breaking finishers performed by each lady! You be the judge who does the neck breaking job better.
Both are wearing shiny sexy leggings that make their muscular legs look extra good. Just look at the pictures! True amazon goddesses. There is no wrestling, just one neckbreaker after another, often replayed from different angle, so you don’t miss a thing!
There is chopping, squeezing, twisting and snapping going on as these statuesque executrixes use both their arms and legs to finish each other off. There is also plenty of hot flexing poses done after they perform a finisher, to further drive home how capable and dangerous these powerful Catz are when they decide to break your neck.
A must movie for all fans of NECK BREAKERS!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-047: TERRIFYING SQUEEZE! feat. Daenerys vs Cyra

Back with a bang! And boy, what a treat. Two uberly fit and highly driven Catz in super competitive match!
CYRA is still a beginner. However, she is the type of the girl who’d rather break a rib or collapse than to tap out. This directly collides with the absolutely brutal crushing power of DAENERYS. Daenerys may beat even Artemis for the hardest bodyscissor squeeze, especially since she is so slim yet so hard. With no fat and all muscle, her crazy strong squeeze gets delivered to a smaller surface area than someone with bigger or thicker limbs. That makes her squeeze immensely effective and unbearably painful.
Both girls are absolutely mesmerising to watch. Their maximum focus, heavy breathing, the will to win and to not surrender until absolutely in major distress.
This fight also proves that you don’t need the most experienced fighters in order to witness a magnificent fight. What you need is competitive spirits, high levels of fitness, endurance, power, and the winning attitude.
The final score ends up very one-sided, which of course a lot of viewers always like very much. But it doesn’t reflect the complexity of this match in our eyes at all. This fight is more than that. They are both absolute winners, and they both have big fighting hearts.
That in turn makes you, the viewer, the winner as well, as this is type of the fight you live for, and love to watch to take your breath away. We are truly blessed to have such fine fighting souls and developed athletic bodies to admire and enjoy.
Amazing fight - yet another gem from us not to miss. Competitive female wrestling at its finest.
Note Cyra is a bit handicapped with a mild case of flu. But she is also heavier than Daenerys. We should definitely do a rematch of these two in the future. It’s guaranteed to be another bestseller.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-CUST-046: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 6! feat. Inanna vs Raella

Custom female wrestling match with the focus on prolonged reverse face smothering marks this sexy release featuring INANNA and RAELLA!
Female wrestling domination match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom, in prolonged fashion, before finally taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor making the curvier Inanna the overall winner. Even though the match is staged, both girls start each round with takedowns from the neutral kneeing position and work each other into reverse smothering pins, until firmly seated atop their opponent.
Each girl has a big & thick muscular butt, custom made for very efficient smothering. Shot in an apartment setting this time, watch these sexy athletes climb forcefully on top of each other for a good seat!
The movie for the female face-sitting domination fans who are into athletic amazon girls doing real smothering punishments with their sexy derrieres.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-CUST-045: FULL-BODY PINNED BY BBW GIRL 2! feat. Lara vs Paloma

Are you a fan of BBW girls? Do you like ‘em pinning strong athletic girls down, not letting ‘em up, keeping ‘em stuck under their heavy weights? This custom is for you!
The sequel to our ACB-CUST-026 release, featuring once again the biggest girl in our roster, PALOMA, wearing sweatpants and sweater as per sponsor request, she dominates the dangerous star LARA in this custom script.
The focus is once again on very long full body pins performed by the BBW girl, who is outwrestling and squashing her smaller but superfit foe underneath her in long rounds.
Lara has a hard time with 235lbs Paloma on top of her like that. Being true Alpha, she obviously does not enjoy the bottom submissive position at all. Yet time after time that's where she ends up. Paloma often just giggles, being obviously glad she gets to cause trouble to her fitter opponent like that. And when she is finally done with her, she does a long victory pose to celebrate her victory!
Scripted female wrestling for fans of BBW's and FULL BODY PINS where the smaller girl ends up stuck underneath the big girl!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-044: CRASH COURSED 7! feat. Alkaia vs Hera

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the competitive setting!
Here, it is very fit athlete HERA wrestling for the first time, taking on skilled beefy Cat ALKAIA!
Hera is a powerful girl with strong, chiseled body. But as it’s been proven time and time again, being fit and strong with no skills won’t get you very far in the art of wrestling. Skilled grappler can make a mincemeat out of someone new. And when that skilled grappler is as strong and fit as Alkaia, Hera will need a lot of patience and humility to get trough this match!
In fact, it is the frequent grunts and shouts Hera makes during the fight that add up to the viewing experience. They are sometimes funny, but you can also feel the sheer desperation from ‘em, as this fit girl is not used to be looking so inadept in comparison to someone else in any of her previous sports.
All the heavy breathing, grunting, and sweating from Hera is met with wily smiles and smirks from Alkaia, who patiently waits to set up her traps, which further frustrates Hera. Some of the holds seem to humiliate Hera.. luckily, she is a trooper, and never quits! She just keeps trying hard, even if it's to no avail..
This is competitive female wrestling fight with one-sided final score!
HD | 1080p | 19min | MP4
ACB-CUST-043: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 5! feat. Cobra vs Raella

Custom female wrestling match with the focus on prolonged reverse face smothering marks this hot release featuring COBRA and RAELLA!
Female wrestling domination match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom for about a minute, before finally taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor making the bigger Raella the overall winner. Even though the match is staged, both girls show aggression and competitive feistiness forcing themselves on top vehemently.
Each girl runs out of air, as these are well trained ladies, possessing big, thick, muscular butts, custom made into thorough dangerous smothering machines. It it a sight to behold whenever they secure their seats, and plant those meaty glutes on their opponent's face.
The movie for all the female face-sitting domination fans who are into real athletic amazon girls doing real smothering punishments with their sexy derrieres!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-042: CRASH COURSED 6! feat. Lara vs Juno

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the competitive setting. These matches are for some reason very popular.
Here, it’s the mighty LARA taking on completely new Cat JUNO, who is an absolute wrestling novice. Needless to say, Juno has bitten off way more than she can chew here!
In fact, this ends up being a bit shorter match, as this was such a huge mismatch that Juno’s neck just could not bear any more of Lara’s expert punishments. And Lara basically just toys with her! Juno is being thrown around like a rag doll, and controlled at will. Her brain must have been in state of panic, as her body is basically owned by Lara constantly, who makes it look like she’d be able to tap this beginner out just by looking at her with a mean face.
Juno’s struggling helplessly. Lara keeps submitting her left and right. Later on, she even teases her by not letting go, when the new girl seems to have had enough. Finally, though, the end is here for the poor Juno.. and it must have felt like liberation for her!
Completely one-sided competitive female wrestling match between the expert wrestler and the total wrestling newbie!
HD | 1080p | 11min | MP4
ACB-FEM-041: BOTH FIT BUT ONE SKILLED! feat. Raella vs Cyra

Fit new Cat CYRA makes her competitive female wrestling debut against the bigger and skilled RAELLA!
Cyra starts out nervous, then grows increasingly feisty as the fight goes on. Her body looks great, her sexy trained legs and butt both looking so pleasing to the eye! She never wrestled yet before this day, but is willing to go head to head against such tough opponent right away.
Raella is in fine form here. She slimmed down a bit and got even more chiseled, and is fast and agile in her skilled movements, so much so that it sometimes looks like a game of cat and mouse, against the very fit but also very new and inexperienced debutante Cyra.
The action is often fast and unpredictable, as Raella dictates the tempo and direction of the match, but Cyra tries her very best not to succumb to the bigger and well versed fighter. The style is one-sided competitive female wrestling, the AlphaCatz style - real and raw!
HD | 1080p | 14min | MP4
ACB-CUST-040: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 4! feat. Medea vs Nemesis

Presenting prolonged reverse face smothering female wrestling special featuring MEDEA and NEMESIS!
Non-competitive female wrestling domination with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom for about a minute before taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor making the shorter and smaller Medea the winner (Nemesis was not happy about that, BTW, as she knows she would destroy her smaller foe if this was a real match)!
For the final round, Medea secures the top position for an extra long time, making sure Nemesis suffers even longer, before proclaiming the victory over her and counting her out, while still sitting on her face. As she finally gets up, one can once again see Nemesis’ face, looking all dazed and confused, as if disoriented from the lack of air.
For the female face-sitting domination fans who are into thicker girls with bigger bottoms. As Medea said herself: Very efficient to do facesitting with our big meaty butts! Indeed, each girl possesses large powerful bottom, with good muscle mass, but not overly hard, so that it envelops the face extra well as they sit down full weight.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-039: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! feat. Alkaia vs Bia

BIA makes her debut! Sexy looks, fit body, and the sexy sounds she makes as she wrestles!
Bia looks beautiful even when losing. Which is good because she is up against much more skilled opponent, ALKAIA. But that doesn’t stop Bia from trying. In fact, Bia grows increasingly competitive as the fight goes on. She awakens the tigress in her as the match starts to heat up!
After she even catches Alkaia in an unexpectedly quickly and tightly applied scissor hold, her much more experienced opponent is forced to react and pick up her efforts to dominate the newcomer, else risk being upset by the increasingly driven fit new Cat.
Alkaia happens to be on a mission to accomplish submission via exotic hold called banana split during this match. She also makes it a goal to catch Bia in as many triangle chokes as possible.
Competitive female wrestling, not entirely one-sided to qualify for our Crash Coursed series, but still overall dominated by the more skilled and powerful vet girl, Alkaia. Bia, however, won’t go down without a fight!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-038: TENACIOUS DUEL! feat. Raella vs Cobra

Wow, another AlphaCatz release, another SUPER competitive battle! RAELLA vs COBRA!
Neither of these power girls will back down from a good fight. In the beginning, Cobra is nervous, as Raella is bigger. There is also some tension between ‘em from the previous argument in the changing room.
Cobra comes into this match bigger than before. She’s always been, pound-for-pound, quite possibly the strongest Cat, so with her current higher weight and skills, she poses threat to even bigger skilled girls like Raella.
Both girls know what they’re doing, and they are after each other like lionesses. There's a few submissions on each side.. with super heated battles leading up to each! An even match where you won't know who wins until the very end.
Highly recommended bout for all the fans of competitive female wrestling, with high levels of very competitive drive, feistiness and tenaciousness!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-037: LET THE SPIRITS FLY! feat. Lara vs Toxis

Folks, here it is.. another AlphaCatz masterpiece! LARA vs newcomer TOXIS!
Lara’s movies typically go straight to n1 spot (and this one definitely won’t be exception!) But Toxis, the new Alpha Cat, plays important part here too. IMO, she actually makes this match such a totally thrilling experience to watch! Her feistiness and relentlessness with which she keeps trying to come at Lara after each tap-out makes this such a super, action-packed treat for all the fans. Lara feeds off her energy, and these two sporty amazons fly all over the mat as the time flies by.
While Toxis is unable to overcome Lara at all, she doesn’t seem to care. She’s here to fight, no matter the outcome.
This fight brings many wow moments. The sweet moves and transitions by Lara, as well as her unique way to apply some unusual hold out of nowhere. Still right after each round, Toxis gets up, and is ready to try her best against such hard foe again. Their chemistry is great. And even though this is such fast, exhilarating, but also exhausting match, after the 15mins, girls don’t want to stop! They both want to continue. So we kept rolling some extra time.
This may be the best match of 2019 shot with a new Cat. It has super heated competition, domination moments, but also some respect and sportsmanship, and shows massive vigour. It truly displays everything that’s so great about real competitive female wrestling. Everyone should see it. Highly recommended!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-CUST-036: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 3! feat. Leona vs Gudrun

Presenting prolonged reverse face smothering female wrestling special featuring LEONA and GUDRUN!
Non-competitive female wrestling match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom for about a minute before taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor making the sexy Leona the winner!
For the final round, Leona secures the top position for an extra long time, making sure Gudrun suffers even longer, before counting her out and proclaiming the victory over her, while still sitting firmly on her face.. until she finally stops squirming.
For all the female face-sitting domination fans, where the long and tight reverse sits are performed as a result of wrestling action, and some struggle, not just a static sitting.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-035: NEWCOMER STRUGGLES feat. Alkaia vs Xiuri

Newcomer XIURI goes against trained Cat ALKAIA in this competitive female wrestling match.
This would have almost make one of our Crash Coursed releases. Except Xiuri catches Alkaia by surprise. Well, once or twice anyway. We think Alkaia went easy on this new girl, at least during some of the initial takedowns where she ended up on the bottom, and Xiuri took her chance by the horns, using her full breasts as a weapon.
Overall, though, this bout’s reins are held firmly by the more mature and powerful veteran Cat. Alkaia often steals and keeps riding Xiuri’s back no matter what Xiuri tries to shake her off. She makes it look like she just wrestles casually, while Xiuri is breathing heavily in distress.
Good learning lesson for the newcomer, and relatively easy victory for the better girl, whom, throughout clean methodical approach, controls the bout (almost) from start to finish!
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-CUST-034: DRIVEN TO WIN feat. Delphi vs Leona

Sponsor wanted to see his favourite Catz - DELPHI and LEONA - in the competitive female wrestling match - wearing swimsuit bottoms. We made it happen!
Both girls look amazing. Their strong sexy bodies, smooth skin, determined looks. Delphi is more athletic. Her upper body is definitely stronger and she is overall more muscular and fit. Leona has her own special sex-appeal. And she has one of most powerful scissor squeezes ever. One of ‘em comes in feeling better. And one of ‘em gets caught in a neck twisting hold early on, which may have had some effect on the final outcome at the end. Still, nobody wants to lose here!
Both girls fight to win, and will do everything in their powers to stop the other one from achieving the same thing. It’s just that one of ‘em seems to want to win a bit more, and the other one is not able to stop her. Not today, not in this match.
Competitive swimsuits wrestling match, with points scored on each side. One pretty clear overall winner. Go watch to find out who it is!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4

LARA vs RONDA, a great competitive female wrestling movie where the winner is clear!
Ronda is more than a match for Lara in terms of a raw power. This can be witnessed by some of her escape attempts during this match, where she picks Lara up, with Lara still wrapped around her neck, as if she’d weigh nothing! Ronda is also brave in how she literally goes head first into some acrobatic escape attempts, showing courage and some previous experience.
But overall, her stamina is low, as her body is made for short bursts of big power (she manages to power out of some holds just be using her sheer brute strength), instead of pacing for a longer exercise, and she’s also slower than the skillful Lara, who totally dictates the overall tempo and direction of this great competitive match.
Ronda shows her feelings and emotions in between rounds, and while she is a great sport and her pride accepts she is pulling the shorter end of the stick here, it seems that around midway throughout the match, she kinda loses the hope of achieving any success against the dominant Lara, at least momentarily.
This match could in fact almost qualify for our “Crash Coursed” series title, but Ronda does show a few bright moments for us to not title it as such. Make no mistake, this is still mainly a one-sided competitive female wrestling performance by the amazing Lara, but Ronda deserved a different title instead, we think.
The end result is still a clear victory for the better amazon lady, though. Lara firmly keeps the match, and Ronda, under her full control. Highlights holds include crushing headscissors, triangles, and sleeperholds, as well as some cool unique holds Lara always seem to have up her sleeve!
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-CUST-032: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE 2! feat. Alkaia vs Trinity

Prolonged reverse face smothering immobilisation wrestling special featuring ALKAIA and TRINITY!
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor picking Trinity as the winner.
Non-competitive female wrestling match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom for about a minute before taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
For the final round, Trinity secures the top position for an extra long time, making sure Alkaia suffers even longer, before counting her out and proclaiming the victory over her, while still sitting firmly on her face.
For all the female face-sitting domination fans, where the long and tight reverse sits are performed as a result of wrestling action.
HD | 1080p | 19min | MP4
ACB-FEM-031: CRASH COURSED 5! feat. Siberia vs Elektra & Theia

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the full-on competitive female wrestling style. These matches are very popular, and this one is no different!
Here, it’s the mighty SIBERIA taking on 2 brave new Catz, ELEKTRA and THEIA, one right after another. It's the first time ever these 2 new girls get to wrestle, and Siberia gets to make sure they get broken in properly.
First, it's Siberia's match against strong & curvy Elektra. Even though this match still has a one-sided final score, Elektra does gets her much more experienced opponent in trouble with some powerful bodyscissors squeezing, which gets Siberia moaning and grunting to deal with to escape from.
Siberia gets her cold, focused face on as she dominates the newcomer with quick and decisive moves and holds, which leaves Elektra with no option but to tap out.
Unfortunately, because of big competitive spirits on both sides, rib injury ends this match prematurely at about 8min mark. With Elektra out, in steps another newcomer, Theia.
Now, while Elektra vs Siberia is hard and fast action, with Siberia being perhaps even a bit cruel towards Elektra (she may have felt threatened by her?), here against Theia, it's different.
Theia proves totally incapable of doing absolutely anything against Siberia, and so the bigger, skilled girl is having a great time dominating Theia at will, with a smirk on her face, still in a competitive setting of course.
Theia is unable to either attack or defend, and this match cannot be any more one-sided. Complete ownage of a fit but incompetent newbie by the veteran girl!
Two very different one-sided competitive female wrestling matches in one movie. While each is different, both are great to watch, for their own reasons.
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
ACB-FEM-030: CRASH COURSED 4! feat. Lara vs Daenerys

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the full-on competitive female wrestling style. These matches are very popular, and this one is no different!
Here, it’s the mighty LARA taking on the brave new Cat DAENERYS, a very fit girl who has never wrestled before in her life. So while the difference in strength is basically none here, difference in skills is massive. This is master class in schooling new pupil by the trained vet!
Daenerys tries to stay calm and collected, but it is obvious she realizes very soon she stands absolutely zero chance against Lara. Apart from being subjected to a physical beating, she must struggle with the fact mentally as well, as the rounds and points keep going, and Lara continues squeezing and twisting her neck from all angles.
Lara doesn't break a sweat here, and gets to play with the new girl in whichever way she pleases. Headscissors, sleepers, and multiple exotic holds hightlight the action, as the skillful amazon shows the newcomer her place.
Over a dozen points later, the match is finally over for the poor new Daenerys, who succumbs to the superior girl. Lara steps on her and flexes her biceps for the clear and total victory.
Top one-sided competitive female wrestling match - another treat for our great fans who love this style very much!
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-FEM-029: CRASH COURSED 3! feat. Alkaia vs Nessa

Crash Coursed series is all about pitting beginner girls against skilled vets, resulting in completely one-sided performance of the better superior wrestler, in the full-on competitive female wrestling style. These matches are very popular, and this one is no different!
Here, it’s the mighty ALKAIA taking on the brave new Cat NESSA, a very fit girl who has never wrestled before in her life. So while the difference in strength is basically none here, difference in skills is massive. This is master class in schooling new pupil by the trained vet!
Nessa thinks she has what it takes, but she has no idea how much time and effort there is behind achieving level of skills her opponent has. From the very first fall, she is put down, tossed around, and manoeuvered into any position Alkaia wants her to be. Like a cat and mouse game, Alkaia does as she wants with the newcomer, despite all the Nessa’s efforts to the contrary. And Nessa really is trying, even gets on top for some brief moments, but her advantage never lasts more than just a few moments, before she is put back in her place again.
Great and often funny, genuine comments in between the rounds, which we left in, really help to illustrate what must be going on in the mind of a person who steps onto the wrestling mats for the very time, and is faced with the daunted task of fighting someone a lot more experienced than herself.
Top one-sided competitive female wrestling match - another treat for our great fans who love this style very much.
HD | 1080p | 15min | MP4
ACB-CUST-028: FACE SMOTHERING GALORE! feat. Delphi vs Khaleesi

Prolonged reverse face smothering immobilisation wrestling special featuring DELPHI and KHALEESI!
Predetermined outcome with the sponsor picking Delphi as the winner.
Non-competitive female wrestling match with the goal of securing long reverse facesitting holds, where for each round, the girl on top ends up smothering the girl on the bottom for about a minute before taking mercy on her and releasing the hold. Also with each round, their positions are switched.
For the final round, Delphi secures the top position for an extra long time, making sure Khaleesi suffers even longer, before counting her out and proclaiming the victory over her, while still sitting firmly on her face.
For all the female face-sitting domination fans, where the tight reverse sit is performed as a result of wrestling action.
HD | 1080p | 20min | MP4
ACB-FEM-027: SNOW WRESTLING! feat. Inanna vs Raella

So here it comes - something we’ve never done before - Competitive Female SNOW Wrestling!
As a matter of fact, something that’s probably never been done before anywhere. At least we’re not aware of anyone ever producing this. And it’s no wonder. It’s very hard. Hard on the feet especially. Your will lose feeling in your lower legs, toes especially will suffer within minutes as they get wet.
Snow also works as a cushion, slowing down all movements, and makes it a lot harder to escape once pressed down into it, compared to wrestling mats. Yet at the same time, the type of snow experienced in this movie is one with thick crust on top, which is very abrasive. Both girls have blood on their knuckles after this match is over.
Other side effects do look pretty cool, as least when watching the fight from the comfort of your heated home, and not being the one getting repeatedly thrown into wet deep snow. You will for example literally see the steam rising up from the girls’ bodies as the match progresses and they get hot and wet, as well as the cold air being expelled from their lungs.
Since falls into snow (albeit very crusty one) also seemed like a cool & safe idea, both girls agreed to start all rounds standing up.. even though it's given RAELLA some advantage, being the one more experienced in throws.
INANNA also is fighting again after a 2-year’s break and is after a flu virus. Yes, straight into snow wrestling, sleeveless no less.. crazy girl!
So grab this while it’s hot.. or COLD?! This may remain the only female snow match for this winter we will have done, as spring seems to be around the corner. Instant classic, and a great competitive battle between these two big and sexy powerhouses! Neither wants to lose, but one has to go down! Cheers to these brave AlphaCatz girls!
HD | 1080p | 15min | MP4
ACB-CUST-026: FULL BODY PIN BY A BBW GIRL! feat. Alkaia vs Paloma

Are you a fan of BBW girls? Do you like ‘em pinning strong athletic girls down, not letting ‘em up, keeping ‘em stuck under their heavy weights? This custom may be for you.
PALOMA, wearing sweatpants and sweater as per sponsor request, dominates the athletic ALKAIA in this custom scripted match, with focus on very long full body pins performed by the BBW girl, squashing her athletic foe underneath in long rounds.
Alkaia has a hard time with 236lbs Paloma on top of her like that. Time after time she ends up in the same difficult position. Paloma just giggles, being obviously glad she gets to cause trouble to her fitter foe like that. And when she is finally done with her, she does a long victory pose to celebrate her victory!
Scripted female wrestling for fans of BBW and pins.
HD | 720p | 15min | MP4

Finally, the release of our competitive female arm wrestling tournament, featuring 10 participants in one video!
The following girls (+1 guy in place of Lara) arm wrestle for the title of the arm-wrestling champion of the day!
There are 2 main groups created, with 5 wrestlers in each. Within each group, all five arm wrestle against each other. Best two from each group then advance into semi-finals. All matches are multiple rounds (best of 3 rule).
Some bouts take a while to decide, some are quick and brutal, decided in seconds. There is total of 24 matches: 20 matches to determine the best final 4 arm wrestlers, the 2 semifinales, the 3rd place match, and the final.
Girls’ weights range widely from 55kg/120lbs to 105kg/230lbs, so all weight classes are well represented here. They take their bouts very seriously, but they also have fun watching others fight. Often they’ll spontaneously cheer each other up, to boost up their fellow ladies’ strength in those crucial heated deciding moments.
First 3 places carry a monetary bonus, so all the girls give it all they've got. Official judge oversees the battles.
Truly a must for any female armwrestling fan! Don't forget to watch the mixed bouts (AC-AW-060) as well.
HD | 1080p | 25min | MP4
ACB-FEM-024: RAGDOLLED BY THE NEWCOMER! feat. Gudrun vs Medea

GUDRUN, the new girl, is faced with MEDEA, short but strong girl, in their competitive female wrestling match. We weren’t sure what to expect, but did not think the outcome would turn to one girl’s favour so much.
Medea lost some of her shape, and hasn’t wrestled much lately. But against Gudrun, she looks really inadept here.. poor girl! You can see it in her desperate eyes and in her look of disbelief between rounds, as her confidence gets shattered by the newcomer, who is bigger, stronger, and faster than her. Harder Medea tries to take her down, the harder Gudrun responds, and methodically keeps tearing up any hopes Medea may have had to win, point after point.
The end result is Gudrun pretty much dominates her, in the competitive setting, something Medea surely didn’t expect from the newcomer. But it is something fans of one-sided competitive wrestling will surely appreciate, as it is so nice to watch:)
Great debut by the thick beefy powerhouse, Gudrun!
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
ACB-CUST-023: 3 CATZ PERFORMANCE! feat. Alkaia & Artemis & Lilith

This is a custom movie for all the fans of ALKAIA, ARTEMIS, and LILITH!
The first 7 minutes, all 3 girls LIFT WEIGHTS, POSE, FLEX, and EXERCISE to show off their trained athletic bodies.
Next 7 minutes, they compete in ARMWRESTLING!
Then in the second half of this long movie, there are 3 staged holds performed amongst the ladies:
The headscissors are the kind where the girl who's being scissored has to also bear a lot of the weight of the scissorette who's only partially supporting herself by hanging from a pull-up bar.
Finally, for the last 2 minutes, all 3 sexy Catz stand side by side, as they pose, smile and flex for their viewers!
NOTE: We also shot another 5min scene to this custom a month later. It’s a muscle flexing admiration movie, where Lilith admires and touches the beautiful and chiseled muscles of Alkaia and Artemis, while they’re both posing and flexing together. You will get this extra clip as a free bonus. Just email us with your c4s SQ# (8-digit order number) after purchasing this movie to receive the link!
HD | 720p | 31min + 5min | MP4
ACB-FEM-022: TOUGH BATTLE! feat. Alkaia vs Sheena

ALKAIA meets her toughest opponent yet, the European judo champion, SHEENA!
What ensues is a super tiring competitive bout between two very competitive & powerful wrestlers. Both are soaked in sweat and exhausted by the end!
Girls fight to their fullest potentials: armbars, chokes, triangles, all are a go!
A must see for all our competitive female wrestling fans.
HD | 1080p | 22min | MP4
ACB-FEM-021: THE HOLIDAY TROUBLE! feat. Nemesis vs Siberia & Gudrun

Injury in this intense Christmas competitive matchup postponed its release until actually after the Holidays to not break anyone’s Xmas spirit.
There are 3 big strong girls featured in this release: NEMESIS, SIBERIA, and NEW talent GUDRUN. All weigh pretty hefty 70-75kg, so there is size and power behind their bodies.
There are 2 matches fought in this movie: Nemesis vs Siberia & Nemesis vs Gudrun. First one ends prematurely with an injury, second one has the winner announced.
Score-wise, as it turns out, they are both very even. There is no one-sided performance here. Their matches are so closely contested, you will not know who wins until the very end.
All these girls are very competitive, so what we have here are 2 raw, very physical bouts, with heavy breathing, and big girls colliding in very close, intensely fought battles of wills.
New Cat Gudrun shows great courage and promise as she is thrown right into the thick of the action, having to substitute Siberia right after witnessing her get hurt, as she just jumps in and shows no hesitation to go for the kill in her female competitive wrestling debut!
HD | 1080p | 20min | MP4
ACB-FEM-020: WHAT A CHRISTMAS FIGHT! feat. Raella vs Alkaia

RAELLA, awesome new addition to our team of competitive athletes, challenges ALKAIA for her debut female fight on our mats. And what a fight that is!
We had a feeling this was going to be THE fight to watch after seeing Raella in her first mixed match (AC-COMP-056) filmed just before this one was shot. Even Alkaia was nodding as she was watching her imminent opponent, praising the new talent as she moved fast across the mats, making a mince meat out of Swifty.
There is an air of excitement in the room when these two big and powerful girls come face-to-face and look each other straight in the eyes just before their bout gets started.
To gauge the new girl’s strength, they duke it out in armwrestling first. Then it’s on.
Alkaia have come a long way since her start from zero just 4 years ago. As witnessed in her recent Trilogy release (ACB-FEM-018), she’s now one of the top wrestlers on the circuit. So for Raella to have the courage to pick her as her first female fight, that tells you something.
Indeed, Raella surprises Alkaia with some unexpected speedy reversals and transitions. But she is still a young wrestler, a bit careless and impatient. So will Alkaia’s overall more mature mat experience and patient methodical attitude prevail over the hot young blood?
Both girls are strong as an ox. Alkaia’s ground game is more round, Raella is still a little rough around the edges, especially her defense. She is fast and explosive, while Alkaia has good timing on her counter attacks and thinks a bit more ahead.
It is an awesome experience to watch 'em fight it out. Between each point, they only take breaks to fix their hair, and then continue to test each other to the limit round after round. Their glistening, sweaty, well-built bodies fight in overdrive, and one action follows another.
This is a highly recommended match and one we rightfully picked as the Christmas fight, produced with both girls wearing sexy Xmas-themed shiny leggings, for the proper Holiday fighting spirit.
Even though there is a quite clear winner, both girls equally deserve much recognition for their amazing performance in this feisty Winter Holiday battle. So grab your popcorn, as this is another heated, competitive AlphaCatz GEM to add to your collection!
And don’t forget to play the movie all the way to the end, as Alkaia has a little message for you after the closing credits;)
HD | 1080p | 19min | MP4
ACB-CUST-019: TIDAL CHANGE feat. Lara vs Artemis

Artemis and Lara face each other in this custom female wrestling movie!
The script calls for Artemis to win the first half of the match, before Lara unleashing her potential to take over and rack up a lot of submissions. So this is scripted wrestling, but with submissions done to the point of real genuine tap-out. And boy, once Lara takes over, she racks up a lot of ‘em.
It all starts with long slow-mo posing done by both of these amazing amazon athletes, as they stand side-by-side and flex their hard trained muscles for the camera. Then the scripted fingerlock test of strength brings the action down and onto the mats.
Once the wrestling gets underway, there are tight pins (even some facesitting) where girls use their fists to punch the bottom girl’s belly, and a vast variety of chokes and scissors as well as triangles to force multiple submissions on both sides.
The final pose is long and the foot is placed on the bottom girl's chest, as the smiling winner flexes. Too bad there could only be one winner, as both of these stars are total winners in so many fans' hearts! Alpha females for the win, and Merry Christmas!
HD | 720p | 16min | MP4
ACB-FEM-018: ALKAIA TRILOGY! feat. Alkaia, Warrior-Amazon, Iron-Phoenix, Zoe

During the course of one heated afternoon, Alkaia takes on 3 sizeable opponents in 3 competitive female wrestling matches!
Except WarriorAmazon who’s bigger, the girls are almost the same weight:
Alkaia | 165cm/5’5” | 70kg/154lbs |
IronPhoenix | 168cm/5’6” | 70kg/154lbs |
WarriorAmazon | 170cm/5’7” | 80kg/176lbs |
Zoe | 172cm/5’8” | 72kg/159lbs |
Alkaia first fights IronPhoenix, then WarriorAmazon, and finally Zoe. Each match is competitive.
3 matches for the price of 1.. Merry Christmas! More Holiday surprises coming up still!
Note this was previously released for a fellow producer, so check if you already have it.
HD | 1080p | 42min | MP4
ACB-CUST-017: OUTWRESTLED & PUNISHED! feat. Inanna vs Zelda

This custom movie pits powerful blondie doll wrestler INANNA against fairly delicate and inexperienced ZELDA, in the competitive wrestling setting, with a twist. The difference in skills and power is so massive here, though, we might as well call it total one-sided domination!
Sponsor wanted to see how much stronger and more skilled girl has her way with a slim untrained girl who tries her best to resist her fate. Zelda is great in non-comp domination styles, pinning, scissoring, and smothering the heck of non-resisting male opponent, for example. In that domain, she excels. She is not trained for competitive female wrestling at all, however, something she is faced with here.
The end result is Inanna completely owning Zelda against her will. A scenario that would happen in real life as well, if you ever put a strong wrestling girl against somebody smaller, weaker, and not trained in real wrestling. Inanna takes Zelda down round after round, immobilising Zelda in tight inescapable pins and squeezing the poor girl's neck in long sleepers and scissors, all while having lots of fun in doing so. Inanna loves to dominate, she enjoys having all the power over her opponents, and it shows. Zelda suffers but has absolutely zero chance to do anything about it.
First 19min is the actual match, then comes the second part. The loser gets thoroughly tied down, even blindfolded, and then gets punished in prolonged holds, as well as tickled while still fully immobilised. That goes on for another 10mins.
Then, after yet another victory pose by the winner, the loser is left alone on the mats, as camera watches her futile attempts to untie herself, for the humiliating grand finale.
We enjoyed making and then watching this one, as it's something a bit different from the regular style, and we think you will love too!
HD | 720p | 33min | MP4
ACB-FEM-016: STRONG & FEISTY VS TALENTED & TACTICAL feat. Scorpi vs Khaleesi

In the beginning, it is clear that there is no love lost between these two Catz. Meeting for the first time, they size each other up, and after armwrestling rounds to determine who's stronger, they go right at it.
As Khaleesi applies a painful quick lock, that only seems to aggravate Scorpi further. With the tensions high, both girls are in it to win it. Scorpi is surprised how good Khaleesi is. Who'd blame her? She looks so sweet and innocent. But just as her sessions fans have learned, Khaleesi has a great technique and is very dangerous with her slim but trained legs. And she moves smoothly and precisely, just like a cat.
Scorpi has the power and the feistiness - but will it be enough?!
This is excellent, dynamic match, highly competitive, with the proud & confident Scorpi on one side, and the sexy & dangerous Khaleesi possessing smart moves and clever tactical thinking on the other. Witness just how much both of these fighters want to win over the other.
While the end result is decisive, to get there, the battle is paved with a strong will and high spirits on both sides, speedy moves, and a lot of sweat and hard work. This is competitive female wrestling with 100% effort from both girls.. the AlphaCatz style!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
ACB-FEM-015: A MATTER OF EXPERIENCE feat. Sabrina vs Delphi

Sabrina, who has been continually improving and rising through the ranks fast, is facing Delphi here, a strong fit girl who still has fairly limited experience, at the time this summer competitive female wrestling match took place.
There is some slight tension between the two, as Delphi was confident her physical strength would be enough to overcome Sabrina's skill advantage, but in the warm-up round just before the match, she quickly realized her opponent improved much more than her since they saw each other, and is visibly taken aback by it.
The pace here is more smooth and controlled, as Sabrina always thinks clearly what she wants to do and how to get there, unlike Delphi, who manages just to try her best with reacting to what is happening to her.
You could say this match wasn't fair to poor Delphi, who at times felt kind of lost on the mats, as nothing was working for her and Sabrina was always one step ahead. But we love one-sided competitive matches, and based on our sales of such previous encounters, you do too!
Released in full HD 1080p, with lots of triangles and sleepers to win rounds, for fans of one-sided competitive female wrestling, who love to see one girl having upper hand and controlling lesser skilled girl, who tries her hardest not to succumb to the pressure!
HD | 1080p | 21min | MP4
ACB-FEM-014: STARS COLLIDE feat. Lara vs Sheena

Oh boy, do we have a matchup for you here! One of the highlight fights of this year, we present a super competitive battle between the superstar Lara, and the new rising star Sheena.
If you don't know who either of these amazing fighters are... well, you've been living under a rock. Lara needs no introduction, as she has been making headlines all over the wrestling world for a few years now. All her releases become bestsellers, and she is session fans' favourite. This naturally dominant amazon just loves to fight and never backs down from a challenge. Sheena is the new phenomenon on the scene, who happens to be nothing less than the European Judo Champion. This girl's fighting credentials can't get much higher than that, and she has been training on the mats since she could barely walk. She is truly an incredible addition to our niche world of underground wrestling!
Prelude to this super heated match has been brewing before these two female gladiators even met in person. Sheena took the professional approach, studied Lara's fights, and inquired on her tricks and favourite techniques from a fellow session wrestler fan. Lara, well, she partied the night before, as we've only learned from Alkaia after the match. Does this mean she grossly underestimated the new girl on the scene? Well, maybe.. That, you will have to see with your own eyes, as you get your popcorn ready, and grab this breathtaking movie to find out!
Physically, Sheena came in her prime shape. Her thick muscly frame, gladiator thighs, and beefy yet chiseled arms that even a trained guy could be proud of, she came in fresh and ready to cause trouble. She also has fully transitioned from judo and got accustomed to the grappling by now, unlike just some months prior. Lara has been fighting tendonitis much of this year, so had to lay off her weight lifting regime and not train as heavily as she'd like. Still, they were the same weight before this match. This was the very first match of this hot weather shooting day, so Sheena would be fresh and fully charged (we then filmed 3 more films with Sheena, another fem vs fem bout you can look forward to, a mixed judo fight and a mixed grappling match!).
But enough talking - just enjoy this highly anticipated matchup between the two amazing amazons instead!
Filmed in our highest quality standards, and of course, in the the absolutely fully competitive, AlphaCatz style!
HD | 1080p | 21min | MP4
ACB-CUST-013: STRETCHED AND SQUEEZED ABS! feat. Domitia vs Artemis

The custom scripted noncomp match where the sexy Artemis is put through her paces by the bigger girl. The beautiful amazon is in distress throughout the match, as the larger Domitia keeps her under her control. The focus is on exposing Artemis's chiseled abs to the camera, as she is getting punished by being stuck in prolonged holds.
The movie starts with long slow-motion sequence, showing Artemis as she warms up and stretches before the match. Her fans will love watching this toned beauty in all her glory, her trained body captured from all angles, so your eyes get a good look at this fine female specimen of the AlphaCatz tribe.
Domitia then proceeds to put the athletic hottie in holds which make her abs stretched or squeezed right in front of you. Namely, in back bending sleepers, camel clutches, full nelsons, backbreakers, reverse guillotines and headlocks, lifts and a few other exotic holds, as well as their various combinations.
Artemis is made to suffer for over half an hour, before Domitia finally lets her go.. but not before she plants her foot on her beaten foe's abs, for the one final display of her victory. If you like seeing hot & fit woman in distress by a bigger girl, here it is!
HD | 720p | 34min | MP4
ACB-012: COMPETITIVE BOXING MATCH N1 feat. Alkaia vs Artemis

Finally releasing our first ever boxing match! And just like our famous female wrestling battles, it is a fully competitive bout.
As you can see here, we even hired boxing coach to teach the girls all the basics properly before the shoot. The sponsor of this movie wanted clean, real, competitive match - and the girls surely gave it their all!
Both Alkaia and Artemis are very competitive by nature, and both are professional athletes. Neither has boxed before, and both were so eager to fight! We were excited to see 'em go at it and had no idea who would beat who.
Witness everything as it unfolded, from the slow motion intro shots from the lockers as the girls get ready, putting their gloves on and mentally preparing for the match. Camera then follows 'em as they enter the ring. The ref makes 'em aware of the rules and starts the clock. They touch gloves and the battle is on!
The bout goes for 3 rounds. There are breaks, each girl gets counted as there are hits that connect, and both tell how they feel as the match progresses. It's a sweaty and exhausting experience for 'em, but neither is quitting without giving it their all. Their adrenaline is pumping and they each try to eliminate their opponent while being careful not to make some fatal mistake of their own.
After the fight is finally over, the ref announces the winner, and there is some sexy slow-mo posing, flexing, and quick aftermath chat with both of these sexy and strong amazons. The fight is pretty even but there is a clear winner. If you're one of many fans of these two super popular Catz, or just love watching extremely fit girls boxing competitively for their first time, grab your popcorn and this movie and tune in now!
HD | 720p | 19min | MP4
AC-FEM-011: STRONG CURVES FIGHT feat. Inanna vs Medea

Medea, the short but well-built sports girl in her first fight ever, faces the gorgeous curvy power blonde Inanna, in this competitive female wrestling bout.
Both of these girls are curvy and strong. But, Inanna has more experience and is the bigger of the two. Can Medea pull an upset here in her debut against such hard opponent?
Well, she tries, anyway. She goes into the match thinking this will not be that hard. She goes to the gym, can beat her slim boyfriend, so why not beat another girl? Inanna is fully prepared for the newcomer, however, and greets her with all the 70kg of her beautiful feminine body. She is the girl who loves wrestling. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl, she loves both the physicality and the sensuality of such confrontations.
She takes the match into her hands, and legs, and proceeds to put Medea in all her favorite holds and pins. Medea is a trooper though, she finds a way to joke about her compromising uncomfortable positions, and even though she does get visually and verbally frustrated, she is not giving up the match, and keeps trying to come at her bigger opponent with whatever she's got.
Inanna truly likes dominating her smaller foe, fully enjoying trapping her underneath her sexy curvy body, pinning her tightly to the mats with a big joyful smile on her face. She loves squashing her opponents, using her weight, with those big strong thighs and powerful butt, trapping necks and heads underneath her in all kinds of tight inescapable pins and holds. It's a sight to behold, very humiliating for Medea, but so sexy and lovely to watch.
The fight ends with the winner posing over the beaten girl, looking down at her with the prominent facial expression, as the sexy sweat glistens on her victorious body while she flexes to celebrate her victory.
HD | 1080p | 19min | MP4
ACB-CUST-010: DRESSY ALPHAS! feat. Lara vs Artemis

Lara vs Artemis in apartment-style custom. Two of the hottest bodies, outfitted in high heels and sexy black dresses, in a series of scripted contests, arguing and competing for the title of top Alpha female. Does it get any better than this?
The two megastars meet in an apartment where an argument over who is the stronger Alpha Cat leads to a series of challenges and strength contests. There are intense body-to-body stare-downs and long tests of leg/arm/hand strength, which take place both sitting, standing, and laying down.
All scenes are performed with Lara and Artemis as close to each other as possible, chest-to-chest, nose-to-nose, eyes locked on their rival, to be as intense as possible. There is some real-life rivalry between these two famous Catz, which transfers into the movie to make it a more tense experience.
Enjoy watching their muscles, facial expressions, and smooth, silky, bronze-tanned skin up close and personal in this hot custom female release!
HD | 720p | 36min | MP4
AC-FEM-009: HEAVYWEIGHT COLLISION feat. Ronda vs Siberia

Mighty Siberia has bulked up to 74kg of sexy feminine muscle, and so she felt more than confident taking on the great new AlphaCatz rookie, the young and 81kg big powerhouse Ronda.
These too big powerful girls size each other up, and great competitive female wrestling match begins.
Purely strength-wise, Ronda is more powerful. Siberia of course, being a lot more experienced fighter, also has very strong legs and flexibility, plus a better stamina. Her skills come forward as the battle goes on, and new Ronda starts to get entangled in Siberia's holds and clutches, which sap her out of her strength.
Often simultaneously getting attacked at her torso and her neck, Ronda finds herself on the defensive. But Siberia is having some tough time, trying to contain Ronda's raw power. Often it seems Ronda has no way out, but somehow she mobilises all the mega strength she has, and just outmuscles out of Siberia's grip in one massive push, letting out a grunt to give her that extra 110% effort needed to escape.
These two big athletes both fight to win, but they also have good chemistry going on. There is some light teasing and verbal jabs, as the older Siberia tries to control the young rookie and wants to let her know who the boss between 'em is. Ronda never goes down without a fight, and takes all the squeezing and choking like a trooper. Even when down and hurting after a lost point, she gets up after a while, smiles, fixes her hair, and gets ready for another round.
In the end, there is only one winner, and in this case, it's the more skilled fighter of the two, the veteran who shows the promising young rookie her place on the roster!
Great competitive female wrestling bout between 2 big and strong amazons, where better skills and stamina advantage play decisive role in the outcome.
HD | 1080p | 16min | MP4
AC-FEM-008: UP AGAINST A TIGRESS! feat. Delphi vs Scorpi

The new Cat, Delphi, faces the feisty tigress Scorpi, in her competitive female wrestling debut!
Fans of competitive BODYSCISSORS - you will love this fight. Typically, bodyscissors don't count for many submissions during competitive bouts. It takes very potent legs capable of major powerful squeeze, and also the thighs of right 'consistency', to capture and submit an equally athletic opponent. Scorpi has exactly those thighs. On par or even stronger than Artemis's, Scorpi's bodyscissors are pure hell, and very few people can withstand more than a few seconds of their massive crushing potential.
Unaware of all that, Delphi sizes up her first female foe in their stare-down pose, wondering what the next 15 minutes of her life will be like. Will she win? Will she get crushed?
But first, they go down and compete in 2 rounds of armwrestling, to see whose arms are better of the two. These two Catz are quite evenly matched in their size and strength. Both possess very competitive attitudes, with both being active sportswomen used to going 110% to win in anything.
The fight starts and the Catz go at it. The look in their eyes says they both want it, but the passionate Scorpi definitely looks more confident than the fit newcomer.
The action is competitive, the efforts at their maximum from both. Scorpi has more experience, but Delphi is not giving her an inch unless absolutely forced to. She gets Scorpi into some difficult positions sometimes, but with having more fights behind her, Scorpi is able to prevail, and after a hard and fast tussle, she always eventually manages to trap Delphi's fit torso between her deadly legs, and then she squeezes.. HARD.
Delpi gets a healthy dose of pain in this match, but she always gets up and goes again fully committed into the next round.
There are multiple hard bodyscissors submissions in this fight, as Scorpi is able to apply 'em from all angles. Just when Delphi thinks she might finally have the upper hand, Scorpi somehow reverses the position and crushes her opponent in her vice grip thighs.
While at the end, the new Delphi may end up beaten, she will use the new experience to get better in her next fights.
Feisty and spirited competitive match between two strong and fit athletes, AlphaCatz style!
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
AC-FEM-007: MORE WEIGHT VS MORE SKILL! feat. Nemesis vs Antiope

This is a competitive clash of new strong & heavy girl fresh off of introductory wrestling training, pitted against more skilled & fit girl of lesser weight.
It shows that being heavier indeed helps the less skilled girl make up for the lack of experience by using her larger weight and body mass effectively.
It shows that even though you can be more skilled, if your opponent is bigger, the fighting gets tough and you have less chance to use your skills against such weight difference.
Both opponents score points. The final point is long, gruelling action going back and forth, with either girl having chances for finish, only for the other to go the extra mile to prevent it. Great battle of wills and tenacity here. Who will walk away victorious from this AlphaCatz battle?
Both girls are very competitive by nature. Antiope, being more experienced, and up against larger opponent, fights smartly, and waits for her openings, watching out for Nemesis to make a mistake to hopefully capitalise on it. Nemesis on the other hand, charges right ahead, and tries to put the pressure on the smaller girl, using her body mass and weight to try to keep on top.
The result is a very even competitive female wrestling bout, where you will not know who wins until the very end. Tune in to find out!
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
AC-FEM-006: CRASH COURSED 2! feat. Lara vs Leona

Following the previous #1-selling Crash Coursed release, Lara is at it right back again, this time against another brave newcomer in the name of Leona!
To preface, the sporty and sexy Leona did not see the Lara's Trinity match, so again, she did not have a clear idea just whom she was up against. It was probably for the better, as she entered into the fight with clear mind, not afraid of anything or anyone.
Leona is attractive athletic girl with very strong legs and is of dominant nature. She was expecting things would go her way in this match, and she attacked Lara with confidence and aggression. Of course, as Lara's fans already expect, it was the skilled megastar's day on the mats instead!
Lara uses Leona's attacks and movements on the mats and turn 'em against her, using her own superior positioning, transitioning, and often very unique holds to show the new girl just who exactly rules the AlphaCatz mats. Leona is pinned, scissored, choked, twisted, even pulled right across the mat, whichever way or position the mighty Lara wants her to. There is even more submissions in this fight than in the previous one against Trinity!
To Leona's credit, the brave newcomer always gets right back up after each tapout, and feels just as ready as Lara is for another round. Many ordinary girls would give up or tried to walk away from such tough one-sided affair, but the determined Leona definitely has the AlphaCatz courage running through her veins. While some frustration must be brewing inside of her as the match goes on, she never wavers in her determination to try her best, despite getting crash-coursed so hard one fall after another.
The result is another amazing one-sided competitive female wrestling match, expertly shot and produced, destined to be a gem in all of our fans' collections.
HD | 1080p | 18min | MP4
AC-FEM-005: CRASH COURSED! feat. Lara vs Trinity

Funny story happened right before this competitive match.. Lara complimented on Trinity’s lean muscly body as they met, but Trinity took it wrongly, implying that she meant she was too skinny. Eager to prove herself, she put it into her head that she would beat Lara to show her how “skinny” she was. Of course, we all knew how foolish that was, but such little ‘drama’ right before the camera started rolling helped to set up the course of the match and ended up shaping the fight for the better. The nervous tension and slightly unfriendly look on Trinity’s face during the intro stare-down gave notice that newcomer just challenged the top girl for a fight.
Everybody know how much Lara loves to dominate those who deserve it, and with the never-ending onslaught of so many beautiful competitive submissions, Lara delivers just what Trinity asked for. The Alpha queen teaches the new girl a lesson to remember, and enjoys it very much as well.
Trinity fights with all her power and will, but Lara is so way out of her league, it’s like racing a formula with a soapbox cart.
Trinity is subjected to so many repeated headscissors and triangles, she doesn’t know where she is anymore. Adding in some guillotines and sleeper holds to further up her confusion, Trinity gets lost in the fight. She grows frustrated, but nothing she tries ever works. Lara is way too fast and skilled for her, and so the submissions just keep piling up.
When the end of the match finally comes, it must feel like liberation for the poor Trinity. She has just been crash-coursed in the competitive female wrestling by the super star Lara, and to her credit, she survived.
Another great one-sided competitive female wrestling match, for the many fans who love seeing one girl totally dominate the other outmatched, outclassed opponent!
HD | 1080p | 17min | MP4
AC-FEM-004: COOL-HEADED VS HOT-HEADED feat. Alkaia vs Scorpi

This right here is the very first wrestling match for the exciting new talent Scorpi.. a great competitive bout, AlphaCatz style. One that got her so fired up and interested in wrestling, we had trouble trying to contain her excitement to do at least 3 more like it on that same first day she walked into our studio. One that she found so motivating and inspiring that she spent another hour after the match rewatching the footage and going over all the holds and positions with Alkaia again, who was nice enough to discuss into details what she did and why and what Scorpi could have done to try to stop her.
Scorpi is a born tigress and a passionate fighter, experienced in various striking martial arts. Obviously, since she was new to wrestling at the time of this shooting, she did not have the necessary grappling skills and experience to pose a threat to the mighty Alkaia, one of our best wrestlers who has improved tremendously since she started herself just a couple years ago.
So, this is the battle of brand new fiery ‘hot-head’ vs skilled muscly ‘cool-head’, with a very one-sided points outcome. However, the path to the victory does not come easy for Alkaia, who is faced with an opponent physically as strong and fit as she is.. which is, looking at her amazon physique and bulging feminine muscles, really saying something. In fact, the intro arm-wrestling challenge left us all quite surprised.
Scorpi has the passion for fighting that cannot be faked. You can see it in her eyes, in her face expression, at the start of each round. She is eager to wrestle. Alkaia loves wrestling very much as well, but with dozens of wrestling matches already behind her, she is the calmer and collected one in this bout, with a good game plan, and moves diligently yet effortlessly across the mats, with a clear know-how on how to handle Scorpi’s advances and efforts.
This is competitive action, sometimes very fast to the point that we get worried an injury might happen, when for example Scorpi lifts Alkaia who is locked with her legs around Scorpi’s neck, and they end up falling backwards hard and fast. Just the fact that Scorpi showed so much fighting spirit in her very 1st match left us very impressed with her, despite her lack of technicalities. We were equally impressed with how calm and smiling Alkaia stayed throughout all these manoeuvres.
Of course, due to her superior experience, Alkaia keeps a tight rein on the way the match is headed pretty much at all times, employing an array of effective triangle chokes and sleepers to gain enough points for a decisive victory. She has a great time fighting Scorpi, even complimenting her after the match for her great newcomer performance. Still, Alkaia does not have to go full-on most of the times, instead controlling Scorpi’s movements and preparing her next submission. She enjoys entangling and trapping Scorpi and making her work hard to try to stop her push to the victory.
Finally, as the clear and rightful winner, she steps on the beaten newcomer, displaying her sexy peaked biceps in the flexing slow-mo victory pose on top of her beaten opponent.
Great combination and very dynamic duo of powerful fighting girls in this competitive female wrestling video!
HD | 720p | 17min | MP4
AC-FEM-003: INTENSE BATTLE OF NEW CATZ feat. Khaleesi vs Antiope (f. Judith)

Typically at AlphaCatz, we try to avoid putting two newcomers facing each other in the beginnings of their wrestling careers.. especially when they are of the feisty kind. However, due to circumstances, it’s just what has happened in this new female competitive wrestling release. To further up the ante, this release ends up featuring not just two new Catz, but three!
The match starts off as the fight between Khaleesi and Judith. They eye each other up in the intro staredown, and start to tangle. Couple points later, Judith gets hurt. Nothing really bad or serious, but it upsets her.. not only physically but emotionally as well - and she decides to forfeit the match.
The third new girl, Antiope, watches the developments, and decides to step right in to challenge Khaleesi to fight her instead. They look at each other, and you can see the tension building up. These are 2 new Catz, freshly off the initial training, both ready and anxious to fight each other.. to prove they have what it takes to win.
What ensues is the feisty competitive fight between two lightweight very athletic girls. Antiope especially charges Khaleesi hard during takedowns and tries to establish dominance in their struggles. Khaleesi relies on her strong legs, slapping on bodyscissors any chance she gets, even trapping Antiope in a spectacular headscissor. Antiope relies on her muscly arms, going after Khaleesi’s neck with sleepers and headlocks nonstop like a little lioness.
These two show that they have what it takes. Action is intense, and they both display the I-want-to-win-and-not-lose attitude throughout the match. There is a clear winner at the end.. and while the loser is beaten decisively, good sportsmanship is shown as she raises winner’s hand up to acknowledge the fair defeat.
All 3 ladies display their willingness to tango in a competitive manner - but there can only be one winner. Tune in this fight to find out who she is!
HD | 720p | 22min | MP4
AC-FEM-002: AMAZONS CLASH feat. Lara vs Alkaia

When Alkaia first learned of new arrival to our roster in the name of our current biggest star Lara, she did not hesitate a second to ask for a fight against her. See, Alkaia has this competitive fire in her heart and is not afraid of facing someone more experienced in order to better herself. She instantly took the (difficult) challenge head on!
So, the date was set and both girls were excited to meet and wrestle each other for the 1st time. What follows is the battle of two beautiful AND powerful girls, both of very competitive nature and striking amazon looks.
As soon as the match starts, you can see how much Alkaia wants to win. More active of the two, she tries all the attacks she’s learned in her wrestling training, and is using all of her muscle power against the more experienced opponent. Lara, being a bit tired from her previous fight, fights more cleverly, waiting for the right moment to capitalise on any mistake Alkaia may do. The actual fight between these two Alpha females goes on for over 21 gruelling minutes. Each girl scores, with one decisive winner.
This is a match all fans of competitive wrestling should see. Real athletes, real stuff, AlphaCatz style!
Slow-mo staredown intro and long victory pose included. These two will definitely face each other again!
HD | 720p | 24min | MP4
AC-FEM-001: FIRST BATTLE feat. Artemis vs Alkaia

Finally, our so eagerly anticipated female wrestling releases start rolling out!
And what better way to get the competitive female wrestling matches going than with two of some of our fans’ very favourite stars, Artemis and Alkaia!
These two athletic amazons have racked up so many fans since we brought ‘em to the world of mixed and female wrestling, it was kind of inevitable that it would soon give rise to a bit of rivalry between these two sexy athletes, as each comes to the fight eager to prove herself over the other.
While they may be good friends otherwise, once they step on the wrestling mats, their very competitive nature take over and the animal instinct to dominate one another soon surfaces. To face each other, it means a lot to both, to show their fans they are the stronger one.
This match takes place at point of their wrestling careers earlier last year where they already take wrestling technicalities seriously, but are still learning a lot. As has been witnessed in their previous mixed releases, both of these superfit sportswomen always fight with their hearts out, sporting both very sexy looks as well as fierce competitive attitudes with big drives to win.
What follows is a closely contested battle of wills, athleticism, power and tenacity, all the way to the very end. Both wrestlers employ crushing bodyscissors, finishing sleeperholds, and other competitive holds to try to finish each off for every point. As the match progresses, you can see in their facial expressions just how serious they become when they fight. As Artemis points out during a break, it almost scares her off.
You will have no idea of the winner all the way to the very end, we even excluded victory pose from our preview images.
After the 15min battle is finally over, the victory is awarded to one wrestler.. but, it truly could have been either of these sexy sirens.. they are both winners in our mind, and we think they will be in yours as well!
The match features slow-motion intro staredown, 15-min competitive wrestling, and final sexy slow-mo double flexing victory pose.
HD | 720p | 15min | MP4